RUMORS: New Necromunda NOV Release Pricing & Lineup

new release necromundaIf you are wondering how much the new Necromunda and Middle Earth releases may be, here’s what may be on the way for mid-November, and what it’ll cost!

There is a massive chart of rumored GW releases that was spotted recently, and now, we’ve got a first look at the prices of the items ahead. Check out the pricing for the releases hitting store shelves on November 16th. But remember these are still just RUMORS. Take everything with a pinch of salt.

November 16 Product Pricing Rumors

november 16 product pricing rumors

Coming from @wagamingdave, it looks like some sort of pricing has been revealed for what’s ahead. Just as much as the products themselves are rumors, so are the prices. However, going off of what some of the more recent GW releases have been, these price points may be surprisingly accurate.

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zone mortalis gamma

The spotlight of all these releases might be the Necromunda Zone Mortalis boards coming from GW instead of FW. Both entries for Zone Mortalis are nestled in between the other Necromunda goodies on the list. Plus, let’s face it. Necromunda is the perfect game for this terrain to be re-introduced.

necromunda dark uprising 2

Note the floor looks to be their normal fold-out boardgame cardstock style


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necromunda dark uprising 3

What might be a kick in the pants here is the recently-previewed Dark Rising Box Set for Necromunda may be coming at a whopping $290 price tag. This is Adeptus Titanicus-level pricing for just two factions and some terrain (although it may have rules supplements in them as well- its hard to tell from just a pricing rumor)

The other releases look to be the usual batch of Black Library books along with some Middle Earth/LOTR releases. One thing is for sure, we should keep our eyes peeled in November for more Necromunda announcements from GW to see if the new set will be just under $300.

What do you think about the pricing on all these possible releases? Do these rumors look to be gathering more and more credit behind them?

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