Warhammer Humble Bundle Is Back With Great Deals!

dow3 chapter master gabriel angelos blood ravenAnother Warhammer Humble Bundle is back with some great Games Workshop titles. Check out what you can grab in these different tiers.

Humble Bundle has another listing available for some solid GW titles that have been released over the years. There are different tiers so you can pay what you feel obligated to for the content. On that note, at the time of writing this, there are only about twelve days left before it ends!

New GW Humble Bundle Drops Great Titles-12 Days Remain!

humble bundle 2020

Pay Just $1

humble bundle 1We’ve got to say, this entire list is filled with some GW bangers. While it’s somewhat rare that we see a decent 40k/AoS game release nowadays, this Humble Bundle is loaded with them in each tier. For just $1 you can get Dawn of War GOTY edition as well as Vermintide. Two classics for both Warhammer universes.

Pay $7+ to Unlock

humble bundle 2Dawn of War II and Battlefleet Gothic are two other big titles that sit in the tier above. There’s also Deathwatch which is a pretty brutal game. If you make one mistake, that Carnifex hiding in the shadows will come and wreck your entire day.

Pay $13 or More to Unlock

humble bundle 3Finally, we’ve got some newer releases in the highest tier with 40k Space Marine- a third-person shooter, Dawn of War III, and Blood Bowl II. All of these games have a loyal following in some form and getting them for less is always a bonus.

These days we have to shop smart when we buy GW models. Getting the biggest bang for your buck is key. So why not also use that same mentality on video games? Plus, going through Humble Bundle gives proceeds to different charities! Take a closer look at the games you’re interested in for yourself and consider donating if you can!

What do you think about these GW game titles? Is your favorite one listed above? 

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