
Keep track of all aspects of your game with these faction specific accessories that work great for Warhammer 40k 8th Edition. Let’s see a few of the options they have to offer.

Read More | May 4th, 2018

Now that the Necrons codex is out, we have rules for using them in 500 point flash. Checkout the all the information below, if you have any questions LMK as I am only human.These rules correspond with my 40k Flash League post last week. Check that out first for all the juicy juice.500pt FLASH  RULES The following rules […]

Read More | November 10th, 2011

Around the shop were starting up a little escalation league of sorts, themed around what else but the NECRONS. (good timing eh?) I thought I’d get on here and post up how we’re running it, so maybe the fever will spread, and inspire other clubs or stores to run their own flash leagues as well.So here’s how it works…. […]

Read More | November 5th, 2011