NEW Genestealer Cults Are Here: Pre-Order Lineup For FEB

genetealer cult codex wal hor

Genestealer Cult fans rejoice the Day of Ascension is upon with new releases for Warhammer 40k. Going on preorder this week are a ton of new GSC releases!

A boatload of new Genestealer characters, terrain, and units are going up for pre-order February 2nd. Plus their new codex, jam-packed with 8th Edition rules and background will be also on pre-order along with a Collectors exclusive.

Perhaps best of all is the fact that we know there are more kits out there that have been previewed already, so look for wave two of GSC models to follow at some point, perhaps around Valentines day weekend as well!

Let’s kick things off with a look at the new characters.

Jackals act as the eyes and ears of the Genestealer Cults. They ride a variety of rugged Atalan-class exploratory machines, of which the most common are dirtcycles and four-wheeled Wolfquads. These outriders are swift and skilled at evading enemy fire as they speed around the battlefield. The Wolfquads also offer the Jackal packs some handy fire support with a heavy weapon mount.

A Jackal Alphus is far from just the leader of a cult’s Jackal packs – they can coordinate targeted strikes on priority threats and even take matters into their own hands with well-placed shots from their high-powered sniper rifle.

These mysterious, austere characters serve as bodyguards to their gene-sect’s Magus or other senior cult leaders. They are poised to strike at a moment’s notice should any threat to their master reveal itself, their actions so sudden and swift that their intended target often has little or no warning as to the Locus’ intervention – usually with terminal consequences.

This new miniature sees a Magus available separately for the first time. A Magus serves as the cult’s spiritual leader, fortifying the minds of their kin against the psychic influence of their enemies. Each Magus is a formidable psyker, wielding subtle Broodmind powers to confound their foes or galvanise their fellow cultists to frenzied acts of devotion.

To their fellow gene-sect members, the Clamavus is the spreader of truth – a hero who broadcasts the emancipatory creed of the cult far and wide. They use a scrambler array to thwart the enemy’s battleplans, all the while inspiring their kin with booming oratory amplified by their suit’s integrated proclamator hailer.

In order to meet their agenda or deter prying eyes from their clandestine activities, a Genestealer Cult must sometimes resort to less subtle forms of intervention by eliminating the problem directly. Whether by a sniper’s bullet or a knife in the dark, those assassinated for the survival of the cult will invariably have been the mark of a camo-cloaked Sanctus.

A Nexos is a consummate strategist. By analysing and interpreting every subtle ebb and flow of battle, they can identify vulnerable positions for their kin to exploit, pointing out potential flanking routes and subterranean passages perfect for arranging sudden ambushes.

Tectonic Fragdrills can make a pinpoint assault on the most volatile parts of the planet’s crust, resulting in a localised earthquake. The Genestealer Cults have learned to harness these machines to cause maximum disruption to their foes on the battlefield.

Before their long-planned uprising, the third and fourth generation Neophyte cultists will often seek to infiltrate their world’s Planetary Defence Force and Astra Militarum regiments, providing the cult with trained soldiery to call upon when the time comes. This handy combined set features 10 Cadian Shock Troops, a 2-man Cadian heavy weapon team, and a Genestealer Cults Upgrade Frame with which to subvert them to your cause.

New Codex

Everything you need to know about your Genestealer Cults is inside this new codex. And GW says to look forward to more information on this new rules release…

The codex also comes with a card sheet containing 28 Cult Ambush markers and a 9″ range ruler, used when setting up Genestealer Cults in ambush.


If you’re a lifelong Genestealer devotee- be sure to pick yourself up one of these Limited Edition codexes.

the Limited Edition is designed to resemble a defaced Imperial book and is presented in a specially designed box containing exclusive gaming accessories.

codex collectors


limited edition

And of course, no GW release is complete without the appropriate accessories.

The Genestealer Cults Dice set includes 20 grey dice with purple swirls and red pips, and featured the Genestealer Cults icon in place of the 1. The Datacards: Genestealer Cults pack features 71 handy reference cards, catering for all their Tactical Objectives, Stratagems and Broodmind psychic powers.

data cards


Black Library

Horus Heresy readers can look forward to a new hardback edition of Corax: Lord of Shadow.

corax primarch novel

A hardback edition of Guy Haley’s novel about the enigmatic primarch of the Raven Guard. During the Great Crusade, it falls to the Corax to humble the immense void-cities of the Carinae. Determined to bring these worlds into compliance, he unleashes the might of his Legion and a massive war host of the Imperial Army. But the lords of Carinae are well defended and without remorse.

Which of these new characters are you looking forward to the most? Will you be transforming your Genestealer experience? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and signup for your free hobby updates each morning as well!