GMM Studios Hexfleet Virules Army Showcase

By Wesley Floyd | March 18th, 2019 | Categories: Army Showcase, Death Guard, GMM, Warhammer 40k News

GMM Studios Hexfleet Virules Army Showcase

GMM Studios has created one of the most impressive Nurgle armies we’ve ever seen, and we feel like it deserves a bit of recognition!

GMM Studios can craft some armies like you have never seen, but the hobbying doesn’t stop there! They can make custom display boards! When we say display boards…we mean display boards. Looking at Hexfleet Virules, this is a Nurgle army that’s had a Ghostbusters-themed display board fitted around the entire army.

GMM Studios Hexfleet Virules Army Showcase

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This is the Death Guard army the Nurgle fans dream about when they go to sleep at night. This display board takes up an entire table and it’s absolutely loaded to the brim with models!

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A whole host of Great Unclean Ones are big bad Mortarion’s bodyguards as he leads the Hexfleet Virules.

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All of the squads in the army are standing on matching bases with conversions running rampant on these models. Can you see how many different kits were used to build this Knight? We can see some Forge Fiend cannons and maybe a couple Tyranid bits. However, the face of the Knight is that of pure putrescence.

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Even the flying Fire Raptor gunships can’t escape Nurgle’s touch. It looks like this ship served in the Long War judging by how much corruption is on its hull! It’s had years to fester and grow.

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Behind every street sign, alleyway, and rooftop, there are Disciples of Nurgle just waiting to bless you with the Grandfather’s gifts. The paint quality on even the smallest minis is enough to make your head spin!

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How you’d make it past all the tentacles and fungus to get inside the Rhino beats us, but even the transports could serve as a centerpiece model to the army!

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Of course, Magnus wouldn’t just sit idly by and watch his brother have all the fun with his disease-ridden sons. A small Psychic band of Thousand Sons showed up just to do the Psychic phase better than anybody else that finds themselves unlucky enough to cross paths with this army.

GMM Studios has pushed the envelope even further as to what it means to hobby. Between building a custom display board the size of a dinner table, converting all sorts of models, and painting everything well beyond tabletop quality, they have truly made a name for themselves.

Be sure to head over to GMM’s own website and get an even closer look at all of the pictures from this army and let us know what you think about it in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.