Imperial Guard Like You’ve Never Seen: Steampunk 40k

gmm steampunk walYou have never seen steampunk 40k like this incredible Imperial Guard army collection from the days of Leafblower by the talented GMM studios.

We’re reaching back for this one. In 2014, GMM Studios rolled out a collection of Imperial Guard that you’ve probably never seen before. Taking on a WW1/Steampunk vibe, here is an incredible converted army and display!

Imperial Guard Like You’ve Never Seen: Steampunk 40k by GMM

gmm steampunk 1These Manticores were converted to have open tracks and some old-timey looking vehicle grills. On top of that, every single Guardsman had a custom helmet that looked somewhere between a modern helmet and the old German Bismarck helmets from back in the day.


gmm steampunk 2Valkyries made into Biplanes had a crew manning the wings dropping grenades from above.

gmm steampunk 3As for the display, these Guardsmen are fighting over a crash site of a heavy bomber. On the backdrop, you can see what looks like freehand artwork that tells the story of what happened.

gmm steampunk 5These photos might be old, but age can’t touch insane armies like this! Whether you’re a fan of WW1 or Imperial Guard, this is an army for you to enjoy.

GMM logoThis army is from back in 2014 and GMM has been steadily rocking on with new tabletop projects. He’s got plenty more for you to check out on his site if you haven’t already!

What’s your favorite conversion out of this army? What’s the most expensive model you’ve sacrificed for a display? 

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