Feast of Blades Grand Tournament Series & Necrons?

By Rob Baer | November 1st, 2011 | Categories: Grand Tournament

This weekend sees host to a new tournament format out west, called Feast of Blades.  It features lots of mini qualifiers at different stores throughout the southwest for players to earn a spot at the invitational played at the end of the year (not unlike ‘ard boyz, etc).

But whats different about this is that while the invitational is going on, there is also a normal Grand Tournament happening as well. So its a boon for both those that didn’t make it, or maybe just don’t feel like playing super competitive – the best of both word happening at once.
From Feast of Blades website;
Every year across America scores of stores in several states and hundreds of players will compete in the annual Feast of Blades Tournament.

The missions are all the same, the painting requirements are all the same and at the end of the qualifier rounds each location will send two champions to represent their store in Denver.  These Champions will then meet three months after the qualifier to compete in an elite tournament,  which can only be attended by invitation.  Here the competition is fierce and is only meet by the strength of the ale! 

Like the fabled Astartes, it is considered an honor to attend the Feast finals and prove not only your personal strength as a player, but also represent your ‘Chapter,’ (FLGS) to the rest of the Champions. 

There are thousands of dollars in prize support given for the event, Prizes from previous years included A custom painted banner by Jawaballs, ‘Fellblades of renown,’ dice cubes for all finalists with the Feast logo on the “6” position, shirts for all finalists, GF9 goodies for all finalists, Battle foam swag, Signed Black Library books,  hundreds of dollars in GW swag and much much more

Beginning next year the Throne of Skulls tournament is set to lose a lot of its prestige by allowing anybody to purchase a ticket and play in their ‘invitational,’  gone are the days of having to qualify by fire. Also, ‘Ard Boyz is well known to have weird missions which don’t encourage a balanced playing field, not to mention allowing unpainted armies. They also don’t have one “Champion,” any more.  As such, the Feast of Blades hopes to step into a piece of that market and provide a true best of the best tournament.  
Personally I like the idea, and have thrown all my weight behind helping it succeed.  I also here they will be expanding qulaifiers to the east coast next year as well!

I am also proud to announce that Spikey Bits will be the Primary vendor at Feast this year, and yes we will have the new NECRONS on sale at the event starting on Saturday Novemeber 5th!

So top by the Spikey Bits Vendor table and say hi to me or any of the guys. -MBG