Meet MBG at WargamesCon 2012

By Rob Baer | February 12th, 2012 | Categories: Grand Tournament, WarGamesCon 2012

WargamesCon is back for its 4th year, bigger and better than ever! All new massive venue –  June 21st-24th at the Austin Renaissance. Have you registered?

The whole Spikey Bits crew will be in attendance with a huge booth of discount Games-Workshop products, sprues and bits for you to dig through!  Plus this is your chance to meet the teenage wonder, MBG head slug of Spikey Bits!

Our old hotel just wasn’t big enough for you all, so we have moved to an all new venue with triple the space, a full vendor hall, and hundreds of more tables.  Here’s a rundown on what to expect for our biggest WargamesCon yet!

Friday June 22

Warhammer 40K Pairs tournament Warhammer 40K Mirror-match tournament Warhammer Fantasy Pairs tournament Warmachine/Hordes 15pt Blitzmachine tournament / 10 Rounds Warmachine/Hordes 50pt Hardcore tournament / 5 Rounds Flames of War 1500 Early-War Nationals Invitational Friday

Saturday and Sunday June 23-24 7 game, 2-day Warhammer 40K GT 2-day Narrative 40K Gaming 6 game, 2-day Warhammer Fantasy GT Warmachine/Hordes 50pt Steamroller Qualifier tournament / Dual 4 Rounds -Saturday Warmachine/Hordes 50pt Steamroller Masters tournament / 4 Rounds -Sunday Warmachine/Hordes 35pt Flanks for Everything tournament / 4 Rounds -Sunday Flames of War 1500 Early-War Nationals Invitational Saturday Flames of War Sunday Event (details to follow)

So what’s new? 15 Glorious Extra Minutes 40K players! – You heard that right, all the Warhamemr 40000 GT games are now 2:15 rounds.  Now you get an extra 15 minutes per round to pack in the shootin’ and stompin’!  Massive Vendor Hall – That’s right, with our new hotel, you can expect to see a full fledged vendor hall jam packed with all your favorite companies, and wargames suppliers.

Any vendors, merchants, services, or anyone else interested in getting a booth, or contributing to the WGC Swag Bag: Email us at with a title: VENDOR and tell us what you have in mind.

Warmachine and Flames of War – Both are back in their three day all weekend event tracks. Flames of War will include the Early War Nationals Invitational, while Warmachine now includes after-hours “Up-All-Night” madness for the truly hardcore. So all you fans come on down and spend the entire weekend with us!

Our Warhammer Fantasy Grand Tournament returns with 2500 points with 2.5 hour rounds.

Our Narrative tables will be bigger with more players per table. We are doing the Eye of Terror using the Forces of Disorder under command of a mighty Chaos Warmaster attempting to smash asunder the Imperium’s Cadian Gate. Our second theme is the Battle of Piscina IV – that means Greenskins everywhere, forming a massive Waaagh that threatens to overrun the Space Marine and Imperial Guard defenders. Its gonna be an Apocalyptic blast – oh, and don’t forget about all the flyer,
superheavy, and Titan goodness!

The 40K Mirror Match is a concept so good, it had to return for its second year – if we all played the same list, who would win? This year we’ve created a new Chaos Space Marine list that gives players a chance to find out who is the best with it on Friday. Missions will be very simple, and the winner will be strictly determined by winning games. This event is limited to 32 players; with everyone playing the first 4 games and the finals being for all the marbles. So who REALLY is the Warmaster?

CSM Mirror Match List

New Tournament Packs Available NowAll the latest tournament packs are on the Wargamescon site right now (right column), so go grab em’.

So head on over to the WarGamesCon page, and get registered. We are aiming to make the Warhammer 40000 GT the largest single Tournament EVER, so get your tickets fast.  The first 300 registrants are guaranteed a collectible badge. Speaking of the Renaissance Hotel…

There are prizes awarded specifically for Renaissance Hotel guests and hotel bookings let us spend more money on prizes for YOU!  The Renaissance is one of the premiere hotels in Austin, with plenty of restaurants and shopping nearby (perfect if anyone wants to bring along the family). Book your room TODAY!

Also, tons of your favorite (or infamous) BoLS writers will be there to boot. If you’ve ever wanted to match wits with Goatboy, get drunk with Brent, outplay Darkwynn, meet The Girl, or try to figure out who Bigred really is, and which teenage attendee really is MBG in disguise! What are you waiting for?