3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists That Shook Up Meta at Two Rivers Open GT

stormsurge hor tau walThese three 40k army lists shook up the meta a bit over the weekend at the Two Rivers Open GT! Take a look at what these players brought to their games!

Coming from the Two Rivers Open GT, we’re taking a look at the more creative side of players at the event. These lists were homebrews cooked up the nobody really expected. Bringing some “outlier” units, they shocked the meta and didn’t do too bad!

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Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we can look back at the event details as if we were there ourselves. These were the Homebrew 40k army lists that shook up meta at Two Rivers Open GT.

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Space Wolves- Drew Ward

Space Wolves Russ_Wolfen_Warhammer_40k_Wikihammer

Two rivers homebrew space wolvesTwo rivers homebrew space wolvesThis list is really special for Space Wolves. While there’s nothing special about the first detachment, which is basically some solid characters with cheap Troops choices, the other two is where things get really interesting.  two rivers homebrew space wolves two rivers homebrew space wolves 22Also, note Coteaz makes an appearance here too.

two rivers homebrew space wolves two rivers homebrew space wolves 22Moving into the Vanguard detachment, 600 points were thrown into Wulfen squads, maxing out Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields. Plus, the most heavy-handed man the Imperium has to offer led the charge with them.

For that long-range anti-armor punch, three Stormfang Gunships also hit the table. Costing a whopping 900 points, this was almost half of the list dedicated solely to air support. But with two las cannons and a Helfrost Destructor, these ships could zip up the board, crackdown on something like a Knight and create a crazy amount of pressure to buy time for the Wulfen to make it into melee.

Interestingly enough, Blood Angels have a similar tactic with Stormraven/Death Company spam. It’s not seen that often these days, but was pretty popular at the start of 8th. Great job!

Grey Knights- Mark Weiss

Grey Knights

Two rivers homebrew grey knights 1

Two rivers homebrew grey knights 1Looking at the new Grey Knights support, it looks like they’re better off spamming firepower in the form of small units on-foot. Two Librarians led a cheap Battalion of Strike Squads for the CP to fuel the football team.

Two rivers homebrew grey knights 2Yes, the football team is two massive squads of Paladins loaded for bear and ready to carry the weight of the rest of the list on their shoulders. Realistically, one Paladin squad probably Gate of Infinity’d up the board turn one. Then on turn two, the Apothecary and another Paladin squad dropped down from deepstrike to seal the deal. Note that each Paladin squad had a mix of weapons to make sure they could handle really anything the enemy threw at them.

One key player being the dudes with warding staves. These guys, along with the Apothecary, were essential to keeping this army functioning smoothly in combat. Overall, way to go dedicating so many points into a T4 unit that you made pull some serious weight!

Tau- Jeremiah Petit

tau fire warrior hor wal

Two rivers homebrew tau Two rivers homebrew tauYou might be thinking that you’re seeing the outline for a Riptide spam list, especially with Firesight Marksman and Drones. But that wouldn’t be a homebrew! This army literally put all their eggs in one basket with Jeremiah bringing the Taunar Supremacy Armor.

Two rivers homebrew tau 2The Taunar itself is a walking monstrosity of firepower. It’s got a 2+ BS and has a whole host of firepower. Being T8 with 30 wounds, it’s definitely not going to roll over for just anybody. However, costing over half of the army’s points, if this thing went down, it was a done deal for the Tau. That’s why 24 Shield Drones swirled around the Suit all game, basically giving it 24+ wounds for the enemy to handle. And with whatever points were leftover, they were put into a couple of smaller suits designed for mobile objective grabbing and Primaris blasting.  Awesome job rocking a behemoth on the tabletop that’ll make players turn their head!

Also, note the custom Tau Tenets that were selected for the Supremacy armor and the other Detachments as well. Farsight loves them some dual commanders now!

With all of these lists covered, it’s looks like more and more people are continuing to prove that the meta is fluid and there aren’t too many outright “bad” units to choose from. With a little tactical know-how and some practice, homebrew lists can really take mainstream meta lists by surprise.

What’s your favorite list from above? Do you spam Wulfen when you play Space Wolves? How do you have your Taunar kitted?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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