Krulghast Cruciator, The Wight King, & Gardus Steel Soul

GW-Previews-Lords-mortal-realms3 new heroes, or Lords, of the Mortal Realms, are here: Krulghast Cruciator, The Wight King, and Gardus Steel Soul!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Lords of the Mortal Realms Preview

Lords of the mortal realms

Have you recovered from The Dead and the Divine yet? We’re not sure that we have. After seeing those vampires, we now sleep with our windows closed and with a wooden stake under our pillow. We’re going to have to sharpen a few more stakes after today’s Mortal Realms special, featuring big reveals for:

Lords of the mortal RealmWell, if you like any of the fantasy-style games, you’re in luck! Even if you don’t, you can always check back to see the new minis on the way. With the Dark Eldar getting the next release for 40k, all you 40k players will probably have to wait two more weeks for some new stuff.

All the Latest GW Previews:

Krulghast Cruciator

This is a Krulghast Cruciator. Once mortals, these phantasmal beings met a gruesome end through the foulest torture imaginable – someone poured out their Agrax Earthshade in front of their very eyes.

Knight Cruciator

Gardus Steel Soul

Gardus Steel Soul makes his debut in model form, based on his appearance on the cover of the Black Library novel Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid. The Lord-Celestant battled his way across Nurgle’s Garden – if you need someone to purge your backyard of Nurglings, Gardus is the go-to guy.

Gardus Steel SoulThe main man for the Steel Soul chamber, this character now gets a miniature inspired by the cover of the Hallowed Knights novel.

black pyramid novel

Wight King

The necromancers are hard at work as we speak, preparing the legions of the undead to march to war later in the year.

Wight King

The Wight King is back, and better than ever! Plus it looks like he will be the vanguard for something new coming for the Soulblight in the near future.

Seems like these were the “Lords” part of the Lords of the Mortal Realms label for this preview, two from basically the same evil faction, and one for the good guys.

How do you feel about these new characters?

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