GW Rumor Daemon Engine: New Bits REVEALED

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Games Workshop revealed another rumor Daemon engine bit this morning of a pretty gruesome hand. We’ve got two guesses of what it goes to.

Looking at Warhammer Community’s rumor Daemon engine pic, it’s definitely some kind of hand. Now what this hand goes to is the real question. Check out the bit and let us know your thoughts.

Now That’s a Handshake!

rumor engine 2-22-19

This picture is most definitely one hungry hand. Now, what that hand goes to could be two real possibilities. Our first guess is that this could be the arm of a Mutilator (the melee version of the Obliterator). They work the same way in that you have to roll a few D3 to figure out the damage/AP, etc.


The current Mutilator models are in desperate need of a rework as well. If we know they’re updating Obliterators, why would they stop there and leave their melee brothers hanging?

Our second guess is that this is some kind of fancy Malefic Talon for a Daemon Prince. (This could actually be a new kind of Malefic Talon variant with different stats). We know how brutal a couple of Malefic Talon’d-up Daemon Princes can be on the tabletop. They can shred infantry and pummel a tank if you let them.

daemon prince

In our honest opinion, we feel like the Daemon Prince model could use an update as well. It’s one of the most popular units for Chaos and GW has definitely made some sculpting improvements since its model was released.

What do you think this weapon could go to? Is it for a Mutilator, Daemon Prince, or something completely new? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.