New GW Rumor Engine: Ancient Hieroglyphics In The Spotlight

By Wesley Floyd | June 4th, 2019 | Categories: GW Rumor Engine, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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GW gave us another rumor engine showcasing a mysterious bit with some ancient encryptions. Take a look and tell us what you think about the latest bit.

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine and it has us leaning more towards the AoS side of things. After you get a good look at the mystery bit, be sure to tell us what you think it could go to.

New GW Rumor Engine: Ancient Hieroglyphics In The Spotlight

rumor engine 6-4-2019

Going off of the cosmetics alone (because that’s all we have to go off of) we think this is probably going to be in the AoS model lineup. Between the old markings and what looks to be stone arches, we think this has a real medieval-fantasy feel to it.

enduring stormvault 2

Check out the Enduring Stormvault terrain that was just released into AoS. while the encryptions between this and the rumor engine aren’t an exact match, they definitely have the same style. The lack of spikes make us think it’s not for Chaos and the fact that it’s on some old stone-looking archway puts off a medieval kind of vibe.  So what could this unit be going to?

While nothing is confirmed, we first thought about something like the Stegadon model for Seraphon.


It would make sense that these old encryptions would go to the Seraphon because they’re an age-old race that still maintains an Aztec/tribal theme. Symbols and funky letters definitely aren’t outside the realm of possibility for the faction.

All in all, we’ll just have to wait and see in the coming months for this bit to finally be revealed. What do you think this bit could go to? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.