Happy Thanksgiving 2022: What’s On Your Hobby Table?

By Rob Baer | November 24th, 2022 | Categories: Happy Holidays

Happy-ThanksgivingHappy Thanksgiving y’all! I always take time today to be thankful for friends, family, and for being so blessed to be part of this great hobby community!

I’m also thankful for all our great readers being here to share it with me as well!  Once again, the big question is, what projects were you working on last year around this time, and what are you working on now?

This year has been a bit slow on the hobby front for me as I have focused more on helping manufacturers and retailers in these even more challenging times.

I did start playing a lot more Marvel Crisis Protocol and got into Star Wars Legion. Here’s the start of my Rebels army.

star wars legion pre-shadeAfter I wash them with black shade from Army Painter, I hope to block in Speedpaint colors similar to what the troops that landed on Endor in Return of the Jedi wore.

I’m also experimenting with base coating metals with metallic paints or just using a grey-black mix or shade of Speedpaint to save even more time!

In 2021 I painted this Deadpool Miniature for Marvel Crisis Protocol with the new Army Painter Speedpaint.

deadpool wal hor mcp army painter speedpaint

When the rest of the speedpaint hit, I was hoping to paint up the rest of my MCP minis pretty fast using this dope pre-shade recipe I came up with!

marvel crisis protocol x-force drybrushed

Back in 2020, I finished up loyal Iron Warriors Impulsor around Thanksgiving.

iron warriors impulsor


Iron warriors impulsor (2)Backcamper shell by Models & Minis

In 2019 I put the finishing touches on the Octo-Baneblade and fully magnetized the Warbringer Titan (weapon power feeds too).

octo baneblade dkok


warbringer titan wip


warbringer titan wip magnets

Here’s what I finished painting in 2018, a Telemon Dreadnought!

painted telemon Custodes Dreadnought

In 2017 I had just finished up a Carnasaur on stream for the launch of Total War Warhammer II.

carnasaur painted

In 2016 I had just finished up this fun Ogor Frostlord:

frostlord beastclaw raider

Happy Thanksgiving y’all enjoy the day!

What are were you working on at last year’s break, and now?