Hobby Head To Head – Citadel VS Winsor & Newton Brushes

hobby head to head citadel vs winsor newton

We took two brushes from leading brands and put them to the test in this hobby head to head video review. Which one came out on top?

Today we are going to take a Citadel Artificer Layer brush and put it up against a Winsor & Newton Series 7 brush in this painting tutorial to see which of these two brands we like more.

First we are going to take a look at the prices of each brush. The Citadel brush is around $26 and the Winsor & Newton comes in much lower at around $14 on Amazon.

hobby head to head citadel vs winsor newton

You always want to make sure you clean and condition your brushes properly to make sure they last as long as possible. For this we suggest The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver.

hobby head to head citadel vs winsor newton

No punches were pulled in the testing of these brushes. They were jammed into the cracks, brushed sideways and brushed pretty hard to really put them to the test.

Citadel M Artificer Layer Brush: $26

citadel m artificer layer brush

Made from the highest-quality sable hair, the Artificer range are the best layering brushes money can buy. Supplied with a plastic tube to guard it against the elements when not in use, the M Layer Artificer brush can really help you achieve results you didn’t think you were capable of. Ideal for the smaller details on your miniatures, it’ll keep the finest point you’ll see on any brush – we’ve put a lot of care and attention into the design, and think you’ll truly love using it

Winsor & Newton Series 7 Round #1 (Amazon): $13.78

winsor & Newton series 7 brush

  • The World’s Finest Water Color Brush – for artists who appreciate exquisite quality and longevity, there is no other brush than the Winsor & Newton Series 7.
  • Point – having a crisp point and maintaining that during use.
  • Snap & Spring – the brush snaps back crisply into shape with the right degree of spring to allow the artist superior control with a degree of give and take between the brush and painting surface.
  • Flow Control – the color flows evenly and consistently from the point with enough color carry capacity within the belly of the brush to lay down a flowing gestural stoke of colour.

Watch the full video here to hear what we have to say about both brushes after this rigorous test.

Are these two brushes made by the same company? Which do you prefer to use yourself and why? I know I have my favorite but let us know what you all think in the comments.

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