UnitCrunch Makes 40k MathHammer Easy

Space Marine walpaperWanting to explore how effective some units are against others in Warhammer 40k, well don’t keep track of all the math in your head- UnitCrunch it!

UnitCrunch is an awesome tool to help you see just how useful your units are against others. With a little bit of data-plugging, you’ll be able to see which units are tailormade to destroy others as well as what units you should stay away from. Here’s math hammer made simple.

UnitCrunch: Math Hammer Made Easy

unitcrunch 1When you open up the website, you’ll come to a page that looks like this. They have a “Take the Tour” tab that takes about 30 seconds to run through. It looks like there’s a lot of tabs to explore but it’s super simple. Although it is super helpful to have the datasheets of the units you want to compare.

unitcrunch 2You can do a One Vs. One unit matchup of an Attacker Vs. Defender setup. This is basically what it would look like if a squad of Intercessors unloaded on a squad of Warriors. You can see that it has the weapon details for the attackers and the defensive stats for the defenders. If you need to change something, it’s as easy as clicking the field and putting in the appropriate value.

unitcrunch 3If you’ll be having something like a Captain or Chapter Master standing nearby, you can also account for rerolls and other modifiers.

unitcrunch 4Once all this is plugged in, you just scroll to the bottom and look at the efficiency of the unit! It may surprise you but even with the Intercessor’s boltgun giving the Warriors a 5+ armor save, they still only lost one model.

Like we said before, it’s an awesome tool to help discover which units may not be as good against others as you thought.

Other Features

unitcrunch 5If you play a horde army and expect you’ll be dealing with something big in your next game, you can also do a Many Vs. One setup. This gives you all kinds of units to use against a single target. For example, two devastator squads vs. a Knight would be perfect for this.

unitcrunch 6The website even accounts for different weapon keywords like Tesla and auto-hits. There’s a table to familiarize yourself with if you need a refresher on any of these rules.

Overall, the longest part of using this tool is just manually plugging in the different stats between units. However, it gives you a damage/point breakdown to help you decide which enemy units you should be targeting with the units you take.

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Have you used a resource like this to help you get better at your games? Has UnitCrunch opened your eyes to see just how effective/ineffective some of your units really are? 

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