RUMORS: GW Releasing a Quick Shade Contrasting Paint


Ever heard of a quick shade? New rumors today that Games Workshop’s big new hobby product may be nothing more than a system like the Army Painter’s.

Coming from Kirioth TV it looks like there are even more rumors emerging around Citadel’s paints. With that said, by now we’ve come to realize that these rumors are like throwing darts at a dartboard. There’s a rumor for everything under the sun at this point so all we are left to do is take everything with a pinch of salt.  


Earlier Rumors & Previews of Paints

Keep in mind that we’ve been hearing rumors about something on the way to Citadel’s paint products…we just don’t know what. Feel free to check out the earliest rumors to get caught up if you need to. Otherwise, here’s what Warhammer TV gave us.

In a Matrix-style parody, there’s a painted model and an unpainted model held before a character. He picks the painted model and gets shown the “truth about contrast”.

citadel paint

At the end of the video, there’s the classic unmistakable Citadel paint shield. So what could be on the way from Games Workshop?

Speaking of “contrast” there are some new rumors in the works about a specific kind of paint…

RUMORS: One-Coat Paint Designed To Bring Out Model Contrast


Coming from Kirioth TV, he claims to have an inside word on what’s on the way to Citadel paints. According to these rumors, there will be a one-coat paint that darkens in the model’s recesses and highlights the model’s raised features.

Which sounds exactly like what ARMY PAINTER rollout out 11 years ago with their quick shade system.

army painter quick shade games workshop contrast

And perfected recently with their new Wash Line which does pretty much the same thing while being an acrylic paint!

army painter quick shade games workshop contrast

This will really result in killing two birds with one stone for Citadel, of course, assuming the rumors are true. Instead of having to apply a wash and then go over the entire model for highlights, a player could just use this one-coat paint and have both steps done. The detail MAY be lesser quality than someone taking the time to apply a wash and then highlight by hand, but it’ll cut down on hobby time and help players get their army to tabletop standard more quickly.


If this paint does actually get released, it’ll be a step in the right direction for allowing new players to get over their fear of painting. Half the time, players will keep their armies unpainted because they feel like they can’t paint well enough.

But at the end of the day, as long as you’re proud of your work, that’s all that matters. What do you think about the rumors of a one-coat paint coming?

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Would you like something that could at least get your models to tabletop quality? How long have you been painting minis? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.