Put a Lid On It: Impulsor Top Conversion Kit

Impulsor shellIf you don’t like the open look of the Impulsor, put a lid on it with this Impulsor top conversion bit. Take the Impulsor from a grimdark pickup truck to a tank!

Models & Minis is pretty new to the hobby product scene, but they are keeping up with what the players want the most when it comes to all the popular models. Check out how you can get a crisp armored up Impulsor.

Check out the full video review if you’ve got the time. If you just want the highlights, we’ve got a written review below!

Closed Top Armor Upgrade For Impulsor: $16.00

kamper shell laid outWith all the pieces laid out, we can really see that there’s not much assembly here. At this price, you get some high-quality pieces that can be thrown together in just minutes.

impulsor conversion 1Surprisingly enough, this is all dry fit. Once you glue all of the resin pieces together, it just slides on the back of the model and will fit perfectly with the hull.

impulsor conversion 2If you get tired of the look or want to paint the inside, you can just slide it off from there. Perfect for the gamer with commitment problems! Not you, but somebody else reading this…

impulsor conversion 3There’s also a detailed resin bit that fits into the top frame with ported holes to give you access to the different wargear available. The shield dome fits in perfectly.

Got some Impulsors in your list? Want to spice up the aesthetic of your army? This may be an awesome way to start! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get products like this each month shipped to them.

What do you think about the Impulsor on the tabletop? What’s the best wargear option for the unit?

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