Is This Hobby Love or Hobby Foul? – Counts As Debate

By Felix Fimbres | October 5th, 2016 | Categories: Editorials, Hobby Rants, Warhammer 40k News


Looking at this counts as Necron Army I can tell the amount of hours invested was insane, this is hobby love. But is it “Hobby Right”?

They also did a great job of being able to distinguish between the various units. However, I have to admit after a few minutes of contemplating I had to shake my head and I’m sincerely hoping this isn’t replicated and brought to a tournament because this is also Hobby Foul.

There’s a line and we all draw it differently- for me, and my hobby, I want to play with models that look grim and dark not 80’s 8-bit.

spruecrons necrons

It’s not about the idea it’s about the environment.

This fits in great in Minecraft, not so much in our 40k. Is this just as bad as walking up to a table and playing against any army of bases? No. Does this show a lack of respect for the 40k universe? Kind of. Would I play against this? I mean, It’s unpainted but if he was my friend I’d certainly consider it because that’s what friends do. (before you ask, yes, there’s a good chance I have no friends. Now move along you trolls) Would I throw a fit if this lined up against me at a tournament? Yeah. (there’s always a good chance I’m going to throw a fit at any time because I’m also a 7 year old. Keep it moving trolls.)

So why does this have me wagging my hobby finger? It’s the principle. The root cause of an argument is based on where we draw a line along a spectrum. If you’re on the same side of the line you’re in agreement, if you’re on the opposite side there’s an argument. Is this rant going to convince anyone who thinks this great? Not, but if you’re on the line I’m hoping you’ll lend me your ear.

spruecrons necrons

Yet another Rules as Intended versus Rules as Written battle.

There was a comment that, “well it’s made out of 100% GW parts” and I threw up a little in my mouth. What’s next, a card board Ork Army?

Cardboard Ork

Okay, yes, there was an actual Cardboard Ork Deff Dread that came in the box. But that was in the 90’s, it was basically the Stone Age.

For the purists who draw the line at 100% GW parts, this is clearly an attempt to stick that objective ruler in the eye, with a sharp sprue. Yes, this does fit that rule. That’s the problem with Rules As Written versus Rules as Intended, whole other can of worms, the idea of a rule, in my opinion, is that it achieves an objective. A rule like 100% GW parts is intended to keep the spirit of the game and the business aspect of the game intact so we can all keep playing with great models. This, obviously does not achieve the objective. So then we have to go back and edit the rule to state, “100% GW models and bits.”

spruecrons necrons

Please, don’t take away my bits or my conversions

This new rule is why we can’t have nice things. While it’s a a minor change it’s easy to see why lawyers have a job, the English language is so nuanced that it’s a pain to have our laws do what we actually intend for them to do. If instead we could come together as a community a say, hey, this is cool but it’s not okay to bring this to a pick-up game because you’re hurting the hobby. Conversions, awesome. They still fit in the universe and add spice. Armies that don’t fit, please don’t.


Necron Super Walker

Time to wrap it up

While I can appreciate the effort put into this Army, it’s missing the point of the hobby itself: building amazing looking models in a universe that I love. It’s a big universe and there are infinite variations but showing up to a pickup game with an army like this shows a complete lack of respect for the person across the table. There’s a line and we all draw it differently for me, and my hobby, I want to play with models that look grim and dark not 80’s 8-bit.

What do you think? Join the conversation below that’s 100 comments strong!

Would you play against this army of old sprues?

About the Author: Felix Fimbres

Sailor, Solider, Pilot, Photojournalist, Paratrooper, Technician, and Jack of Most of Trades. I consider myself a Blood Angel player, playing Death Company heavy armies. Recently, I’ve decided all my Blood Angels will fall to the Black Rage.