Paint What You Want & Avoid Burnout: Hobby Palate Cleanser

By Wesley Floyd | June 12th, 2019 | Categories: Editorials, Hobby Rants, painting miniatures

Whether you play with the models you paint or just paint for commission work, there comes a time where we all need a palate cleanser to avoid burnout.

Professional commission painters have to deal with painting projects that they don’t want to do. Let’s face it. Nobody paints eighty Fyreslayers for fun. Even if you don’t paint other people’s minis for a living, however, you can still feel the hobby burnout.

Painting What You Want: A Commission Paint Palate Cleanser

Painting What You Want

If you’re tired of painting rank and file units or even models that are just a real headache to deal with, why not paint the models you want and throw them up online? This would be something where you don’t have to have any kind of buyer lined up. Just sit down in your spare time, go slow, and paint a model just the way you like. When it’s all finished up you can just throw it up on eBay, Etsy, or any other seller’s site.

The goal here is to rekindle your interest in painting. You don’t have to make any money on it if you don’t want to. You might reach the end of your project and decide it belongs in your display case! It doesn’t matter if you choose to sell it or display it as long as you had fun painting a model that you wanted to for once.

owlbear D&D tutorial painting

Give yourself a break and paint that one model you’ve been eyeballing for a while. This “palate cleansing” method is especially useful for the people who get stuck with the projects that never seem to end.

All in all, we should all be aware of our hobby burnout and make sure we always find something that rekindles our interest. If you’re not a painter, the same could be done with converting a new model! Just set some time aside for yourself and enjoy your time not being under the clock from a commissioner. Let us know how you deal with hobby burnout in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

Featured Image of Custode Jetbike by Dark Bunny Creatives