Big Changes as Forge World Drops FAQ For Horus Heresy!

By Wesley Floyd | July 9th, 2018 | Categories: Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Forge World dropped a massive FAQ on some key elements of Horus Heresy this morning. Let’s break down what changed in the game we love that is far from dead

Coming in hot from Forge World’s Facebook page, they FAQ’d the way Drop Pods and Legio Custodes work along with some general things.

Relax, we’re still in 7.5 edition and it’s not going anywhere for a while.

Big Changes For 30k: Forge World FAQ For Horus Heresy!

If you want to read everything over, you can check out these pages.


radio free isstvan

Coming from our friends at Radio Free Istvaan, here are some of the biggest changes they spotted:

  • As for Dreadnoughts, you can’t hang out in the drop pod anymore. Big E is telling you to get you metallic butt out and go play.
  • Heat blast from Anvillus/Kharibdus ONLY works in the movement phase, so no more flat-out heat blasting
  • Survivors of the Dark Age Militia can take Termites as dedicated transports for their Grenadiers. Yikes.
  • Augury Scanners give STRAIGHT interceptor, so no more worrying about how that works.
  • Tartaros Terminators officially allowed storm shields for Imperial Fists
  • Veteran Squads lose the Sniper rule but still keep Outflank. (Rest in peace Imperial Fist Vets. Your firepower will be missed).

Get-Out Pods

drop pod 30k Big Changes as Forge World Drops FAQ For Horus Heresy!

Impact Reactive Doors: Doors blast open as soon as the drop pod hits the ground now. So get out and get moving. This is on both drop pod models; Infantry and Dreadnoughts.

Legio Custodes

custodes art

Allegiance traits were brought up in the FAQ along with a sprinkling of small changes to some Custodian units. Talons of the Emperor also got some help this morning.

  • Talons of the Emperor

The Talons of the Emperor is a new army faction which combines a number of disparate agencies of the Imperium under the direct authority
of the Emperor. For the purposes of creating a Talons of the Emperor Detachment, units from the Legio Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Officio
Assassinorum and Ordo Sinister faction army lists may be used in combination, taking account of their own unique faction special rules.

Each of the individual factions of the Talons of the Emperor are considered to be Agents of the Emperor and may only be taken in an army with
a Loyalist Allegiance. A Talons of the Emperor Detachment may ally with any other Loyalist faction Detachment (other than Blackshields) as
Fellow Warriors.

General FAQs

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  • Perils of the Warp

    If a vehicle suffers Perils of the Warp, it always experiences the Psychic Backlash result on the Perils of the Warp table.

  • Vehicles and Ordnance Weapons 

    Vehicles may fire Ordnance weapons. A vehicle that fires an Ordnance weapon may only make Snap Shots with its other weapons that turn.Unlike other units, vehicles can both move and shoot with Ordnance weapons in the same turn.

  • Champions with Paragon Blades (+20 pts)

Under the heading Wargear add the following bullet point: A Legion Champion may take a Paragon blade.

Champions with Paragon blades will make them a viable selection in your army now.

We’ve pulled out the main highlights from the FAQs but we encourage you to read them yourself and look for certain points your army uses a lot. There may be something in there for them! What do you think about the FAQs? Has your army changed at all?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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