The Top Warhammer 40k Fan Made Films You Need to Watch

movie angels of death

Which videos are your favorite? If you haven’t seen these yet, here are some of the top fanmade Warhammer 40k films out there!

There’s some real video talent out in the hobby community.  Let’s take a look at some of the top fanmade 30k- 40k films that are in progress right now. We’ll also be getting the latest word from them on their current developments!

Top Fanmade Warhammer Films We Want to See More Of

Astartes pt. 1-3

Moving into the first film, there are actually three parts now. This is made by a single artist on his free time. He works as a Graphic Designer and his talents really show! You can check out his Channel called Astartes.

These are three trailers that are basically events happening one after the other. Marines are blessing their boltguns and loading into a breaching pod. In the next trailer shows them literally walking through what looks to be lasgun fire and dealing with some Traitors.

The Third trailer shows the Space Marines beginning to make some serious leeway into the ship they boarded. Practically walking through machine gun emplacements and Traitor Guardsmen. They can’t be slowed down, as this episode really shows off the true power of a Space Marine behind his armored ceramite.

Be sure to drop some change in his tip jar over on Patreon too, if you dig them as much as we do!

If anyone would like to support me in this project please consider the links below. I work as a contract 3d artist so any donation means less time working for others and more time on Astartes!

Horus Heresy: Death of Hope

Okay so this is more 30k than 40k, but this series from Project Tetrarch, is a Heresy film that’ll give you goosebumps.

Death of Hope Trailer 1

This trailer shows events taking place days after the Betrayal at Calth. If you aren’t sure of what happened there, it’s essentially where some Legions revealed themselves to be followers of Chaos and slaughtered unsuspecting Space Marines.

Since the first trailer was posted back in December 2017 and the creator has still been making advancements, and dropped the second one in December of 2018:

Death of Hope Trailer 2

Since the trailer last year, I’ve started again from scratch to really represent the universe in the way I grew up seeing it with the combination of the current Horus Heresy novels. More information in January :).

In the video, it looks like Ultramarines have boarded a Word Bearers ship investigating some kind of damage. (Remember that the Word Bearers also attacked the Imperial City in the first trailer but that could have been after the events in this video)

death of hope 2 3

What kind of events are about to unfold next in the storyline? The Word Bearers look like they’ve silenced all witnesses to their actions.


Helsreach, by Richard Boylan.

Teaser - HELSREACH part 12

This film has been a journey that the artist has taken the fans along with him. He has been releasing new parts to the story every so often where we can see the advancements.

Helsreach was an amazing book back in 2010, and now Richard Boylan is making it a fanmade movie. Helsreach has us glued to our screens as we keep waiting for more!


There are actually over 10 parts in the series. A single trailer doesn’t do the film justice. Make sure you sit back and watch them.

Angels of Death

Speaking of Helsreach, Games Workshop dropped the word that an animated Space Marine series is in the works, but that’s not all. They’ve teamed up with the fans that made the gorgeous Helsreach animated series, which was fantastic on its own.

But now that Games Workshop is backing them, we may be in for a real treat.

ba film 1

Check out the trailer from Warhammer TV

Warhammer 40,000: Angels of Death Teaser Trailer

‘Angels of Death’, will follow the visceral exploits of a band of Blood Angels Space Marines as they face Mankind’s enemies, death and worse – the dreaded Black Rage. To ensure the story is suitably grimdark, we’ve called upon the talents of some of Black Library’s finest authors. Together, they’re forging an epic tale for the animators to realise.

The Helsreach animated series got the attention of GW to actually partner up with the maker. Keep your eyes peeled for more about this series later on in 2019.

 Lord Inquisitor

The Lord Inquisitor - Prologue [UHD]

Lord Inquisitor was created by a single artist. The trailer shows the first eight minutes of the film. The Sons of Dorn got a little spotlight action as well!

An Inquisitor goes to deal with a “problem” while the city is distracted by a wonderful parade with Coteaz himself in it.

Sadly, it looks like there haven’t been any advancements from the first film that dropped back in 2016. These creations take a long time to create. Hopefully, there’s more in store for us in the future!


Directed by Richard Boylan, the film is about a Guardsman who wakes up after passing out from an injury. He’s alone in an abandoned sector. Or so he thinks.


GUARDSMAN puts things into a smaller scale-perspective that we don’t really think about. Alone Guardsman wakes up from unconsciousness after an injury he took to the leg and hears things scurrying in the darkness.

Moments before certain death, a Space Marine arrives to save him from becoming Biomass for the Hive Swarm.

Dawn of War

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Trailer

This last video isn’t fanmade at all. It’s one of the scenes from a game that you’ll have to blow the dust off of. Dawn of War, made by Relic, is still an ageless classic that fans enjoy today. We just thought this clip was too awesome not to post.

What’s been your favorite film previewed so far? Which one would you like to see more of? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.