Top 5 Units To Buy Next For The Horus Heresy

By Wesley Floyd | May 21st, 2019 | Categories: Forge World, Horus Heresy, Tabletop Gaming, Tactics

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Horus Heresy has a ton of different rules that you won’t find in 40k! Check out these top staple units for that you should buy next for your army!

Horus Heresy, like any other Warhammer game, has some busted units that no one wants to see on the tabletop. But the good news is that for the most part players don’t bring those things because they know it’s not fun. The Horus Heresy community is good about keeping things fun and narrative. We’ll be looking at some of the top units that you might see played against you. If you don’t use them yourself, it might be time to pick them up!

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Branching Out: Top 5 Unit Staples for Horus Heresy

Horus Heresy can be daunting to get into. There are so many options you can take into battle it may be difficult branching out from a Betrayal at Calth Starter Box. here’s a list of Legion staples that would be a great pick up for new players getting into Horus Heresy.

Volkite Culverin

volkit culverin

These guys are brutal against Space Marines but they aren’t the fun-ruining kind of firepower like Phosphex weapon teams. A squad of 10 dudes gets 40 shots that wound Space Marines on 2s.

Also, for every unsaved wound, you get to make another wound roll. It can eat up guys on-foot or pelt light armor like Rhinos and Xiphons. This is an all-around solid unit that you can stick in cover and keep shooting.


30k terminator

You might be familiar with Terminators in 40k. Right now, they are probably the most underpowered unit in power armor. T4 and a 2+ save means nothing in 8th edition. However, in Heresy, the AP mechanic really helps these guys stay alive. Horus Heresy operates on an “all or nothing” AP chart. You either get your 2+ save or the AP of the weapon is so good that you don’t even roll. Because most high AP firepower is difficult to spam, your Terminators will be sticking around and getting work done.

Leviathan Dreadnoughts


Leviathans are a solid backbone to any Legion. They can lay down enough firepower that your enemy has to deal with it but are tough enough to take some heat. You can even give them armored Ceramite to protect it from the vehicle damage table a bit more.

Kit them with all sorts of weapons to fit the way your Legion fights. Take two grav-flux bombards to crumple armor or take a double storm cannon combo to shred infantry. Just make sure you keep your front armor faced towards the threats and don’t overextend. It’s easy to do with a walker that bullies other things in power armor.

Veteran Squads

bertayal at calth

Veteran squads can be kitted with the works that’ll give them longevity and damage output in battle. You can give them the outflank rule as well as equip them with melta bombs. That means these guys can come onto a board edge, harass infantry, and even finish off armor from behind enemy lines. To make things even better. If you take a certain Rite of War, these guys become troops!

 Land Raiders (Preferably Spartans)


If you’ve got a melee unit that isn’t the most mobile (like a Primarch or some Terminators) a Spartan should be an auto purchase. At armor 14 all around, the Spartan is one tough nut to crack. It gets even tougher with armored ceramite and a flare shield. Essentially, this thing acts like a battering ram with two quad-las cannon sponsons taped onto the sides that your enemy can’t ignore. If you’re running a melee beatdown squad, it becomes even more useful.

Have you gotten into Horus Heresy since 8th edition dropped? What Legion do you play? How do you use your Leviathans? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.