3 Fast Hacks To Painting Ogor Fur & Armor


Welcome back Hobby Maniacs!  Today Rob is going to walk us through how to quickly paint your Mournfang Cavalry for the tabletop!

In today’s video Rob is walking us through the process he uses to prepare his Mournfang Cavalry for the tabletop!  Starting of, Rob likes to prime his models with Army Painter base grey.  This provides a nice solid mid tone for him to work with.

He begins by using a simple three color Mid-high-low scheme to block in the main colors of the Mournfang’s fur.  This is a pretty quick step using an airbrush, allowing Rob to quickly block in the colors and cleanup any overspray or missed sections.

FurOnce the fur has dried, Rob uses a combination of hand brush and Airbrushing techniques to paint the base colors on the bone and tusk portions of the model.  To prevent overspray rob uses a lot of cardboard blockers to shield the already painted fur from the paint.


Switching over to 100% hand brush techniques, Rob cuts in the main color sections of the saddle, using a couple of different leather colors to differentiate each component, he finished up with detailing the metallic parts of the saddle.


Now that all the major details are prepped on the Mournfang itself, it is time to move over to the rider.  Rob starts by blocking out the skin sections, then he lays down a base color for the metallics on the model.  Finally he adds details such as a few shades of leather and some other assorted fabrics.

Rider Done
Now your Mournfang and Rider are tabletop quality!  But wait, we’ve barely even gotten started!  Check out this side by side comparison of a Mournfang and rider who have been taken to the next level!  Stay tuned for another great tutorial video showing how you too can bring your models up to the next level!


For detailed explanations of each step and paint lists, check out the whole video below!