Go 3D on Your Models: Realistic Chipping Effects

By Drago | October 12th, 2017 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

Commander Nemo’s pristine new look is given the realistic 3D treatment through chipping effects that show the “previous materials” below.

By using a combination of Formula P3, Secret Weapon MIniatures, and SlowfuseGaming paints and brushes, the realistic chipping effect is built around adding details in the right spots. This effect is fantastic for bringing models to another step of realism and can be paired with previous weathering tutorials. For the entire video on how to achieve these effects, be sure to scroll down and press play on the video below!

Bogrin Brown and Meaty Ochre from the P3 Grimkin Line are used to sketch out the scratches and chips, keeping the outlines fairly geometric to easily add in shadows and highlights. Thamar Black is used to add shadows by applying a ton of contrast in crisp lines around the scratches. Thamar Black is then mixed with Bogrin Brown to glaze in an inner shadow to add s hint of shade and depth. The shadow adds more realism to the model. With Meaty Ochre, glaze in a short transition towards the bottom to add a little bit of highlight to the chips.

Morrow White is used to add more of a realistic view to add a rigid line under the chip to really sell the effect. Several layers of this are done very precisely to give that chip a 3D effect. The light hits the white first, causing the yellows behind it to appear “below” that level and enhancing that “chipped away” look of the paint.

Soft Bodied Black from Secret Weapon Miniatures is used to wash the metal intake valve, giving the entire shoulder pad a more realistic look. As well, a little of the soft bodied black is added around the nuts to enhance the shadows. Morrow White is added to the top of the nuts once again to highlight. as well as to the ridges. Engine Metal from Secret Weapon Miniatures, one of their new paints, is then used to add a light highlight to that intake valve.

Lightly, to add some metallics to that chipped effect, a super thin layer of Engine Metal is added to the chip to make the underneath portion look like it is weathered metal. The effect is subtle but can look fantastic if it is what you are looking for. Black is brought back in to enhance the shadows in the chip. Metallics need the enhanced shadows as their transitions are sharper due to how light hits them. These finalized details bring out the 3D view and make the model absolutely pop.

The final step would be adding these effects all over the model, where paint would have chipped. For the entire process, press play on the video below!