5 Must Have AoS Items You Can Afford Now – Battleforce Savings

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All right Game Fans, today we’re going  to take a closer look at the holiday bundles for the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar side of Games workshop. There are four holiday battleforce deals, one for the Stormcast Eternals, the Khorne Bloodbound, the Ironjawz, and the Sylvaneth.  Unlike the last set of these, we’re going to do this as a big group so you can find what you’re looking for.  Let’s take the deep dive and see what wonders Games Workshop has put together for the holiday shopper this year.


Stormcast Eternals

Sigmar’s Vengeance

The Stormcast Eternals are a newer faction to Warhammer Fantasy, and represent holy warriors drawn from the ranks of Sigmar’s Chosen.  This holiday set contains an assortment of the following:

  • Celestant Prime (The big in the middle that looks like he’s flying out of a portal)
  • Dracothian Guard (2 guys, they’re the ones riding the dinodragons in the back)
  • Liberators (The 10 guys with hammers and shields)
  • Decimators (The 5 guys with the two-handed weapons)
  • Knight Azyros (the Winged guy with the lantern)

Remember that this holiday bundle will contain a warscroll/datasheet/formation that will let you play with these units right out of the box (once they’re assembled).  This represents a tremendous saving over buying the kits individually, and gives you an excellent head start on putting together a larger Stormcast Eternals warband.  How does it mesh with the other starter products for the Stormcast?  Let’s take a closer look.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Starter Set

This is a two player starter set (and a wonderful way to get yourself into the Age of Sigmar.  It contains two complete starter sized armies for the Stormcast Eternals and the Khorne Bloodbound (more on them later).  It also contains dice, the rules, and everything you need to get started playing this version of Warhammer.  For a Stormcast army, you pick up the following units/heroes/awesome things:

  • Lord Celestant (He’s riding one of those DinoDragons)
  • Lord Reilctor (the guy in the back on the left holding the banner)
  • Retributors (the 3 guys with giant hammers right behind the Lord Celestant)
  • Liberators (10 guys with hammers and shields)
  • Prosecutors (the 3 guys flying around in the back)

Combing this with the Holiday Battleforce gives you a host (Pardon the pun, stormcast formations are all referred to as hosts) of options for constructing your Stormcast force.  With 4 different heroes, 20 Liberators to pack into units of your devising as well as Retributors, Prosecutors, Decimators and the Dracothian guard to tinker with, you have a lot of options and solutions to play with,

Start Collecting: Stormcast Eternals

This set is like most of the other start collecting sets we’ve seen for other products and contains the following units:

  • Lord Celestant (He’s the guy on foot front and center with the sword and the hammer)
  • Retributors ( the two guys right behind him with the giant hammers)
  • Liberators (5 guys, hammers and shields)
  • Prosecutors ( 3 guys in the back with wings)

If you have either of the other sets, the additional units are exceptional added values.  If you combine with the starter set, you’ve added enough retributors to pack in extra special weapons, and the additional prosecutors and liberators give you options for how you want to bring your infantry to the table.

Other Stuff you need to consider

You’ll still need the Stormcast Battletome to get the best bang for your buck, and the General’s Handbook is an exceptionally good book to give you new ideas and options for building your army for game play.  See also paints, tools, glue, and hopefully something to carry your expensive tiny plastic men to battle.

Battletome: Stormcast $58
General’s Handbook: $25
Sigmar’s Wrath (Battleforce):Approximately $170
Warhammer:Age of Sigmar Starter Set $125
Start Collecting: Stormcast Eternals: $85

Ironjawz Thunderfist

The Ironjawz are a heavily armored faction of super big Orruk marauders that inspire fear in the other mortal realms.  They are a lot of fun for a player looking for hard hitting infantry that can take a punch.  The holiday bundle contains the following units:

  • Aleguzzler Gargant (The Warhammer Fantasy giant in the top left corner)
  • Gore-Gruntas ( 3 heavily armored Orruks riding on big honking pigs)
  • Megaboss (Front and center with the giant axe)
  • Weirdnob Shaman (Funny looking guy to the right of the Megaboss)
  • Brutes (The other ten guys in the box that look like giant Orruk beatsticks)

Remember that this holiday bundle will contain a warscroll/datasheet/formation that will let you play with these units right out of the box (once they’re assembled)This represents a tremendous saving over buying the kits individually, and gives you an excellent head start on putting together a larger Ironjawz warband.  How does it mesh with the other starter product for the Ironjawz?  Let’s take a closer look.

Start Collecting: Ironjawz

The Ironjawz start collecting set contains the following units:

  • Warchanter (The guy with the drumsticks front and center)
  • Ardboyz (the ten smaller Orruks)
  • Gore-Gruntas (the 3 giant pig cavalry)

Combining these two sets actually does an excellent job at giving you the basic options for the army.  You’ll have 3 hero choices, (megaboss, Shaman, warchanter) and a combination of brutes and ‘ardboyz to fill in your rank and file troops.  If you thought 3 Gore-gruntas were a lot of fun, 6 is at least triple the fun.  Oh, and the Gargant, can’t forget about him.  The only model you’re missing from the Ironjawz line is the megaboss on Maw-Krusha.

Other Stuff you need to consider

You’ll still need the Ironjawz Battletome to get the best bang for your buck, and the General’s Handbook is an exceptionally good book to give you new ideas and options for building your army for game play.  See also paints, tools, glue, and hopefully something to carry your expensive tiny plastic men to battle.  If you’re looking for a centerpiece model for your army, you can do a lot worse than Mega-Boss on Maw-Krusha.

Battletome: Ironjawz $40
General’s Handbook: $25
Ironjawz Thunderfist (Battleforce):Approximately $170
Start Collecting: Ironjawz: $85
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha $110

Khorne Bloodbound

The other side of the starter set(Opposite Stormcast eternals), the mortal legions of Khorne represent fanatical bloody minded murderers who live to shed the blood of khorne’s enemies (and friends, allies, acquaintances) Let’s take a look at the Slaughterstorm bundle and it’s contents.  Like the rest of these holiday bundles, you’ll be able to play this bundle out of the box as a battalion of its own.  It contains the following units:

  • Skullcrushers (the 3 giant cavalry models in the back)
  • Wrathmongers ( the 5 guys with the flailing hammers on the left hand side)
  • Skarr Bloodwrath (Superhero looking guy with the giant axes next to the wrathmongers)
  • Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Doomhammer
  • Bloodreavers ( twenty lightly armored guys)
  • Bloodwarriors (ten heavily armored guys with an assortment of bloody weapons)

Remember that this holiday bundle will contain a warscroll/datasheet/formation that will let you play with these units right out of the box (once they’re assembled).  This represents a tremendous saving over buying the kits individually, and gives you an excellent head start on putting together a larger Khorne Bloodbound warband.  How does it mesh with the other starter products for the Bloodbound?  Let’s take a closer look.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Starter Set

This is a two player starter set (and a wonderful way to get yourself into the Age of Sigmar.  It contains two complete starter sized armies for the Stormcast Eternals and the Khorne Bloodbound (more on them later).  It also contains dice, the rules, and everything you need to get started playing this version of Warhammer.  For a Stormcast army, you pick up the following units/heroes/awesome things:

  • Mighty Lord of Khorne (Front and center with the massive axe on the right hand side)
  • Bloodsecrator (the guy in the front in the middle holding the banner)
  • Bloodstoker (the guy with the whip in the middle)
  • Khorgorath (Giant monster on the right hand side)
  • Bloodreavers (the 20 guys in the back [make two units of ten])
  • Bloodwarriors (the five guys in the middle on the right hand side)

Combing this with the Holiday Battleforce gives you an assortment of options for constructing your Khorne Bloodbound force.  With 5 different heroes, a monster in the form of the Khorgorath, forty bloodreavers and 15 blood warriors, you have a lot of options and solutions to play with,

Start Collecting: Khorne Bloodbound


The Start Collecting: Khorne Bloodbound contains the following units:

  • Bloodcrushers (Again, a trio of monstrous cavalry)
  • Bloodwarriors (Ten heavily armored infantry)
  • Slaughterpriest (the bare chested gentleman with the hammer and blade)

Combining these sets together creates a mighty horde of chaos fanatics.  You’ll have six heroes, a mighty beast, six bloodcrushers, and a host of 40 bloodreavers and 25 blood warriors.  That’s a mighty army of Khorne that you’ll have an assortment of options to work with and find the play style that suits you.

Other Stuff you need to consider

You’ll still need the Khorne Bloodbound Battletome to get the best bang for your buck, and the General’s Handbook is an exceptionally good book to give you new ideas and options for building your army for game play.  See also paints, tools, glue, and hopefully something to carry your expensive tiny plastic men to battle.

Battletome: Khorne Bloodbound $58
General’s Handbook: $25
Slaughterstorm (Battleforce):Approximately $170
Warhammer:Age of Sigmar Starter Set $125
Start Collecting: Khorne Bloodbound $85

Sylvaneth Darkroot Wargrove

The ancient spirits of the forest are the last holiday bundle that Games Workshop is offering for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.  Let’s take a look at their Battleforce and see how it interacts with their other getting started products.  The holiday bundle contains the following units:

  • Drycha Hamadreth (The tall tree spirit with the blue lady sitting inside it)
  • Treelord Ancient (The giant tree in the back)
  • Kurnoth hunters (there are six of them, in the second rank of the picture flanking the big trees)
  • Spite Revenants (five of them, in the foreground of the picture)
  • Tree Revenants (five of them, also in the foreground)

Remember that this holiday bundle will contain a warscroll/datasheet/formation that will let you play with these units right out of the box (once they’re assembled).  This represents a tremendous saving over buying the kits individually, and gives you an excellent head start on putting together a larger Sylvaneth warband.  How does it mesh with the other starter products for the Sylvaneth?  Let’s take a closer look.

Start Collecting: Sylvaneth

The Sylvaneth Starter set contains the following units:

  • Dryads ( 16 of the rank and file troops of the Sylvaneth army)
  • Branchwraith (Mini treefolk spellcaster/hero)
  • Treelord Ancient (Full sized treefolk beatstick)

Combining this set with the holiday bundle leaves you with an excellent sampling of the units available to the Sylvaneth army (the only one you’re missing is Alarielle the Everqueen).  From here you can develop your tactics for your army alongside your color scheme.  The one thing you’re definitely going to need is a at least one set of the Sylvaneth woods, because your army has a lot of fun with trees.

Other Stuff you need to consider

You’ll still need the Sylvaneth Battletome to get the best bang for your buck, and the General’s Handbook is an exceptionally good book to give you new ideas and options for building your army for game play.  See also paints, tools, glue, and hopefully something to carry your expensive tiny plastic men to battle.

Battletome: Sylvaneth $58
General’s Handbook: $25
Darkroot Wargrove (Battleforce):Approximately $170
Alarielle the Everqueen: $130
Start Collecting: Sylvaneth $85
Sylvaneth Wyldwood: $88

And that’s a wrap on the Holiday bundles for Age of Sigmar.  I hope this helps you all figure out what you’re looking for when you start that brand new army for the new year.  Happy Gaming, Happy Holidays


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