Airbrushing – Treads, Hull & Turrets Tutorial

By Rob Baer | January 15th, 2015 | Categories: Airbrushing, Dark Angels, How To Tutorial, Videos
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Kenny over at Next Level Painting just put out his SECOND tutorial for super heavy tanks, this time it’s on painting the hull, turret, and weathering the treads!

These tanks are done in the ‘traditional’ dark green of the First Legion of the Adeptus Astartes: the Dark Angels.

Picture 731

Checkout all the weathering on the treads and vents, as well as the actual shading of the greens on the chassis itself that he put into these tanks.

These are some of the techniques, in additional to just basic color theory, and airbrushing instruction that Kenny teaches you in this series of videos!

Be sure to checkout Next Level Painting’s tutorials, daily updates and more over on Kenny’s new YouTube channel.