Banner Bling – DIY Making Custom Banners & Decals

By Michel Beaulieu | January 4th, 2016 | Categories: How To Tutorial


Ever wanted to make awesome banners for your miniatures that were HUGE? Come see the basics on how you can make some banner bling!

We’ve all wanted to have cool banners and decals for our models. The main problem is that we are limited to the ones supplied by the manufacturers. Most are still cool but having your own trademark is much cooler.

Making your own banners/decals is quite simple check it out.

Cloth Banners:

Well like the name says, you’ll need thin cloth. I prefer black. You’ll also need cloth transfer paper. You can find these pretty much anywhere they sell paper supplies. I found some at Walmart.

Next thing you’ll need is a drawing software (photoshop is a good example but anyone will do), a printer (d’uh), a cloth iron and of course, you’re imagination. I think the next steps are pretty much self explanatory. Draw, print, cut and finally iron.



Decals are pretty much done the same way. You’ll need to buy water transfer paper. you can find many kinds on ebay. You have one different step then cloth banners. Once you have printed your design, make sure you print at high quality on super gloss paper, you’ll have to apply a few layers of spray varnish. Then use as any other decals. One note, since these are varnished, they tend to be stiff after a while so always try to not print to much in advance.

Here are some examples I have made.

DSCF0197 titan_high_angle redeem_top rhino_3d_back

How do YOU like to customize your units?