First Steps: Easy Basing Ideas CHEAP

By Travis Perkins | July 18th, 2016 | Categories: How To Tutorial


Come see some ways to base your miniatures on the cheap that don’t look half bad, OR put a big dent in your wallet! Save money on the hobby!

Let’s talk basing. For something as simple as a piece of plastic holding up your miniature this can really make or break a great paint scheme. These can also be done as simple or advanced as you want, but even having a simple one really makes an army stand out. Also use a general scheme for your entire army as it really makes it look cohesive.


For something like the above base (easy mode): Prime the base, again I like black for shadows. Then hit it with a citadel texture paint but not a ton, just enough to get it to make some texture. (Note the more you add the more the paint will crackle or ball up, or whatever it is it is supposed to do). Then hit it with three colors for example a tundra use dark grey base coat, then a lighter grey over that, and finally a dry brush with some white. Boom you have a good looking simple base.


A more textured base (can be tricky): I love the citadel texture paints because I hate messing with glue and flock. Note you need to use a lot to get the effect you are going for so do not skimp on the paint. Just google what the texture paint you selected will do and slap it on there and let it do its thing. First prime then paint it the color you want and highlight and dry brush.

You can also get crafty and do something crazy like the above fire base: yellow with random spots of red, orange, and white, then slap a paint like Martian Ironworks on it blow dry 20 seconds dab it with a mix of black and black wash, blow dry another 30 seconds…

See as easy or tricky as you are feeling that day. Make sure to use a pretty crappy brush for the texture paint, and be sure to know what that kind of paint is going to do as it drys.


A flocked base (easy but requires glue): First again prime the base, then paint it a color (green if your flocking grass, brown for stones, etc.) then thin down some Elmer’s glue (PVC glue) and paint that all over the top of the base being careful not to get it on your miniature, also use a crappy brush for moving the glue around.

Put the miniature in the bowl of flock or gravel or what not and make sure if covers all the glue, pull out shake off access flock and it is good to go. Simple as that!

With all bases make sure you paint the rim around the base a solid color, I tend to do black no matter what because I think it really makes the miniature pop. You can find different kinds of tufts of grasses and flocking material on Amazon for pretty cheap.

Really though use your imagination and go buck wild (got some favorite rocks glue them on there, some fun extra bits glue em on there, tree bark why not!?) just make sure all your models from that army have a similar basing so that they all look like they are fighting in the same area.


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