Which Should You Use? Glaze vs Wash Tutorial

By Drago | September 14th, 2017 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

glaze vs wash nemo 6Up your painting game with glazing techniques to emphasize shadows and contrasts with this awesome new tutorial by Kenny.

Today, Kenny is bringing us a new look on the technique of glazing and how to use wash products to glaze life into flesh. Using the Nemo Adept General bust from Privateer Press and the flesh tones applied in previous tutorials, these techniques bring flesh tones from dull and lifeless to amazing fairly easily. For the full tutorial, press play on the video below.

glaze vs wash nemo 2

The first step is applying Ruby Wash by Secret Weapon Miniature to the naturally cast shadows from our airbrush and using the model itself to view the naturally cast shadows, including around the nose and mustache, cheeks, and ears. By focusing on the rosier hues of flesh first, the natural shadows come back to life a bit.

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Next, Parchment washed is mixed with a little Cotton Candy wash to apply delicate highlights on places like the chin, cheekbones, and nose. By looking for aggressive shadows in the model and picking out raised areas, the Parchment makes the darker areas stand out by adding contrast. The end effect is a subtle and natural glow to bring life to the miniature.

glazee vs wash nemo 4

By mixing the Cotton Candy and Ruby washes, the initial glaze can be blended out to look less sharp on the skin and bring about natural looking shadows on the model itself. The initial wash plus the combo blends with itself to add the softer lines. Slowly, more Cotton Candy is added instead of the Ruby, giving the skin different layers and hues to soften lines and bring about natural glows.

glaze vs wash nemo 1

On the final step, Flesh Wash is mixed with Ruby to add a little brown to apply to dark recesses of the face and skin tones. This reinforces the different hues of peach and pink within the skin tone itself, bringing out the highlights and giving deeper contrast to the model.

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Each additional layer is dabbed on lightly then allowed to dry before another layer of wash is added to it. Combining that with the smooth airbrushing, very little texture is on the skin itself. The final view is flesh that glows.

To see the entire process and paint used to achieve this effect on Nemo Adept General bust from Privateer Press, press play on the video below!