How to Paint Ultramarines Blue: Primaris Tutorial

fs01-brightultramarine-walpaperPrimaris Marines are about to get a heaping load of support in Indomitus, so check out this tutorial on how to paint that iconic Ultramarines blue.

Coming from Wyatt at Jack of Clubs painting, he’s put together a tutorial on how to make some eye-popping blues for your Ultramarine models. Check out this step-by-step process!

Bladeguard Veterans whiteSpace Marines have some new model hotness inside Indomitus. If you’re wanting to get a look at how to paint some Ultramarines, we’ve got you covered.

How to Paint Ultramarine Blue: Jack of Clubs Painting

How to Paint Ultramarines Blue: Primaris Tutorial

You can watch the video for an in-depth tutorial or check out these highlights for quick inspiration.

joc ultramarine blueStart off by priming with Stylnrez black primer, keeping a thin spray across the entire model. Next, mix Vallejo Mecha Color Titan Blue with Vallejo Flow Improver and spray it over the model at a 45-90 degree angle. This keeps the black primer in the shadows and recesses, creating a color pop with the blue.

joc ultramarine bright blueNext, Spray Vallejo Game Air Magic Blue over the tops of the armor pads and backpack to bring out the highlights. This is a very bright blue highlight, so spray carefully and maintain a high angle to keep the shadows in place. Then, target Vallejo Game Air Electric Blue onto the brightest parts of the model, like the shoulder pads, helmet, etc, as precision highlights. You’ll want to make these highlights a bit smaller as you’re trying to build up the brightness on the model where the light hits it directly.

Finally, white is added to the Electric Blue to create a brighter highlight inside the highlight, creating a light pop. Go slowly on this step with thin paint. You can always add more paint if you need it but you can’t really take it away!

joc ultramarine blue washNecro Gold from Scale75 is used to lock in the trim along the shoulder pads. Use the brush carefully to avoid getting paint on the blues. Paint Vallejo Model Color Black into the armor joints, creating a contrast between the armor layers. You’ll want to use a very fine brush for both of these steps.

Washing & Drawing Out Contrast

joc ultramarine edge highlightTo wash, mix up Army Painter Blue Tone, Dark Tone, and Quickshade Mixing Medium together and brush that over the entire model. Wick away the excess from the flat surfaces by dipping the brush in water and moving the wash away from the flat areas. Continue to manipulate the wash until it gets into the recesses and let the wash dry completely before continuing!

For the final touches, use Vallejo Model Color Azure to edge highlight the armor panels. You don’t need to highlight the entire edge. Just focus on the areas where light would hit. With an airbrush workup, highlighting every panel isn’t needed to create a clean, crisp look. Elven Gold from Scale75 is used to brighten up the gold trim where the light hits it most.

Once done, apply a matte varnish to unify the finish on the entire model only once it is dry! After that, slap him on a base and the Ultramarine is ready for battle on the tabletop.

Ultramarine blueThere you have it! Hopefully, this tutorial has been an eye-opener for you! As it turns out, if you’ve got an airbrush, you can create some gorgeous depth using the Ultramarines colors!

What do you think about this paint scheme? Will you be painting the models inside Indomitus like this?

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