How To – Painting Green Marble

By Joshua Dunkerly | May 7th, 2015 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Lord of The Rings


Would you like to paint green marble? It’s really not as hard as you would think, check it out!

I’m going to show you how to paint green marble in several easy to follow steps. First off Im using Games Workshops paints. Here are the paints I used in this process.

1.Eshin Grey
3.Biel-tan Green
4.Gauss Blaster Green

First I begin by basing the model in black primer. Then I start the marble by drybrushing the whole thing in Eshin Grey.


Next you want to pick random spots on the model and drybrush on a light layer of dawnstone.


Now were going to start making that green color. This is done by adding a nice wash over the whole thing in Biel-tan Green.


Wait for the wash to be completely dry before doing the next step. You will want to go around the model and put lines of dawnstone. Once again just try to keep these as random as possible.


Now you want to repeat this line process only this time using Gauss Blaster Green. After this step it should start looking more marble like.


Then another full wash of the Biel-tan green. This gives the effect of many deep greens.


Now you want to add very fine lines all over the model with the Gauss blaster green.


And finally to finish the whole thing off and give it that real marble sheen; you’ll want to coat the whole area in ‘ardcoat.


Thats It!! You have now painted Green Marble. Its a long process requiring many layers so remember to take your time with it. Its not gonna look perfect right away. And as always just have fun with it everyone!!