How To Turn Fantasy’s eBay Trash into AoS Treasure

By Zeb Barrett | January 24th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, How To Tutorial, Videos


Do you have old fantasy models on square bases and want to change them over to the round bases for Age of Sigmar? Here is how it’s done!

In today’s tutorial we are going to show you how to take those old Fantasy models and flip them onto the modern, round bases to be used in Age of Sigmar games.

Sometimes you find great deals on Fantasy minis on eBay, here’s a great re-basing scheme to use to paint up bases for any eBay trash you may find!

basing tutorial

The first thing we are going to do is take the new round bases and put down a base coat using an airbrush and then let the base coat dry.
basing tutorial

After the base coat has fully dried we are going to add a wash coat of Reikland Fleshshade over the entire base.

basing tutorial

Our first highlight is going to be a nice drybrush of Tallarn sand.

basing tutorial

Next we will add a final drybrush of Karak Stone making sure to not have too much on our brush because we just want a light drybrush this time allowing the other colors to show.

basing tutorial

Then after cutting the model off of the old base and reattaching it to the new base you are ready to go. Some flock could be added to your liking and any other additional effects you would like to include.

NOTE: We do not show you how to cut your models off their old bases. You can do this while wearing eye protection and using a sharp blade to slice down under the miniature’s feet (between the base) while holding it perpendicular to the table top. You can also use clippers to cut around the base as well to free your old miniatures if you feel that it wont damage of bend it’s feet.

Check out the entire tutorial in the video below.