New Paint Hacks For Detailing Fur, Flesh, & Armor

By Guest Author | June 6th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, How To Tutorial, Videos


Welcome back Hobby fanatics!  Today Rob is going to take us through some of his secret tricks when detailing Fur, Flesh and Armor!

In our previous Ogor Painting Tutorial videos we’ve shown you how to do some awesome bases, crazy frozen horns, fast fur, and tons of other cool base techniques.  Today Rob is going to share with us some of his tricks for taking those painting techniques and applying them to the fur and flesh on his Ogors to bring them truly to the next level!


First up is Rob’s custom armor wash.  We at Spikey Bits love the new Games Workshop Gloss Washes.  We really cant speak highly enough of them, they’re a fantastic tool to add to anyone’s painting kit.  Here Rob has mixed the new Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil (with a hint of fleshshade) washes together to create a grimy metal wash that won’t pool all over the flat surfaces of the model.

By applying these washes over a semi-gloss varnish, the paints just glow right into place, ensuring a perfect outcome every time!

After the Armor wash is dry, Rob applies the Gloss Reikland Flesh to the skin of the Ogor.  Once again the Gloss varnish, coupled with the Semi-Gloss varnish makes for extremely smooth and near perfect drying!

Flesh Wash

Once the washes are all dry, its time to head back in with a quick highlight layer using a light flesh tone.  A cool trick you can use when painting like this is to use your finger to quickly smudge out any mistakes you make.  The gloss varnish and wash makes for a quick erase if you make a mistake!  Just remember to matte varnish your models when you’re done otherwise the paint may rub off during gameplay!

Flesh Detail

The same tricks we just showed you are applied to the fur and the saddle of the Mournfang itself, simply choose the appropriate wash for the job and do a quick highlight when its dry!

Saddle Wash

Check out the entire tutorial in the link below for detailed paint lists and instructions!