Recently I’ve been posting up Work in Progress stages of Grey Knights Purifiers I’m currently painting, on Facebook. It’s easy to post there cause I can just snap some pics with my phone and upload them while I work. (Wanna see more WIP GK’s? Maybe its a good time to make sure you “like” Spikey Bits’ Facebook? […]
Read MoreHow To Tutorial
Discover our how-to tutorial guides for everything from painting and modeling to storing miniatures for games like Warhammer and more!
Following up my Lightning Effect tutorial, today I have quick how-to on Purity Seals that is also really easy to do.I did this tutorial using the same Grey Knight Purifiers that I’ve been painting up lately, as well. So I definitely wanted something quick and easy that could be repeated like 200 times. After talking […]
Read MoreToday I have a fast little tutorial on lightning effects on weapons, that is really easy to do. I’ve been painting up a bunch of Grey Knight Purifiers lately for lower point games of 40k, and really wanted the blades to stand out. So after a couple of tries I came up with this quick […]
Read MoreSo the other day I finally had my chance to work on a project I had been really looking forward to doing for awhile, Greatcoats. I had this conversions idea way back when I was doing my traitor guard that I never got to implement, but I really though would look great. Don’t get me wrong, […]
Read MoreCheck out this stunning conversion by Jkin. This guy is a machine when it comes to hobbying, as he seems to crank out models at super human speed. Today we take a look at his Arjac Rockfist model, all painted and ready for battle! The Conversion This Arjac started out as just a Wolf Guard […]
Read MoreCaleb over at White Metal Games posted up this Land Raider Achilles conversion a while back. I like it, it’s simple and goes together well. The problem with huge intricate projects is that, the bigger they are, the harder they fall- out of interest. Personally I have a ton of half finished projects lying around. These days I just try to keep […]
Read MoreToday we have a sweet guest post by a regular contributor to the blog, Jkin. If you follow his posts may notice a pattern of um, no pattern? You see Jkin has the same “problem” that the rest of us do, gamer Attention Deficit Disorder. So if it’s new and shiny, Jkin is all about […]
Read MoreWelcome back for a little mid-week conversion fun, and a big milestone. This article is the 100th conversion article on Spikey Bits. Woot!The blog itself will be coming up on its three year birthday this April as well! Believe it or not I was blogging two whole years about the hobby before I starting selling bits […]
Read MoreFound these awesome guys over by Cvinton on Dark Future Games over the weekend, and though I would share. Seems like a pretty easy conversion too. Kudos! Take it away sir:I picked up some Necrons a while back in a trade and finally got around to putting in work on them. There are a lot […]
Read MoreThe other day there was an amazing post over on From the Warp (FTW) about fixing bolt gun Barrels. When I read this my mind was blown, I never even thought you could fix wrecked barrels, and just gave up on several of my models because of this. Kudos to Ron at FTW for the […]
Read MoreHere’s a little tutorial on how to swap out backpacks, so you can switch up Marines between Jump and Regular infantry. Why would you ever even want to do a thing like that? Well there comes a time, especially now, with a new edition of the rules looming in the distance, that sometimes it’s better to […]
Read MoreWelcome back to another week on the SB! Spikey Bits that is 😀 First up is this article on a conversion I came up with to make Terminator Psycannons on the cheap. This bit’s price has been steadily creeping up over the last few weeks, I suspect due to the demand of players gearing up […]
Read MoreToday we have a guest post by Lil’waagh. This guy is a regular in my shop and kicks out some fantastic work, not to mention the fact he’s a youngblood, still in High School! Recently he posted a small airbrush tutorial on chipped metal, on his blog and I though I would share with everyone since […]
Read MoreThere seems to be a general trend lately of moving to Land Speeders to provide mobile firepower for Space Marine Armies. However with 6th Edition looming in the far distance like a fat shadowy enigma, it may be better to magnetize everything these days to take full advantage of any new rules changes. I made a few […]
Read MoreCheck out this sweet Necron Glow Effect Tutorial by Zail. He posted this up earlier, and though I would share- cause it’s really good. Keep up the good work dude, your stuff is spot on. From Zail’s Warhammer:Hi Lads, today I thought I would show you how to make a glow effect on your models. […]
Read MoreOver on Zail’s Warhammer blog is a new Tutorial on how to make the Triarch stalker out of a Ghost Ark kit. He did a great job with his version, which is sorta a hybrid from the Games Workshop conversion they posted up on Facebook. Regardless it rocks, and he really did a good job explaining […]
Read MoreCheck out how I spent last weekend, well besides the normal eating and drinking too much, I ended up messing around with all the new Necron bits, and made models for all the units not released yet! Check out this Cryptek with Temorstave conversion I came up with. He seems to be the one people […]
Read MoreWell I’m still out at The Feast of Blades Grand Tournament in Denver Colorado, but I wanted to post up this great how to on painting lightning effect by Dan the Deamon. Recently I posted up some of Dan’s amazing Night Lords on here and his lightning effects are top notch to say the least. […]
Read MorePainting Warhammer miniatures is all part of the fun of the hobby! However, sometimes getting paint on those gray models can sometimes be a bit of a hurdle. So, here’s how to paint Warhammer miniatures, the tutorials you need, and plenty of inspiration. Plus, playing with painted armies just makes the game so much better, and if you’re going to a tournament, everything must be painted.
Whether you’re painting your thousandth mini and are just looking for some new tips or are painting your first Warhammer miniature, you can always keep learning. That’s one of the coolest parts of the hobby that you can see your progress in a very visual way, and playing games with fully painted armies is hugely appealing.
Over the years, there have also been huge improvements in the techniques, paints, and products. Most notably, airbrushing Warhammer miniatures have started to take over the painting scene, and it has a pretty steep learning curve. Still, when you start to understand it, airbrushing makes painting much faster and better.
What Paints to Use for Warhammer Miniatures
Acrylic paints are the most commonly used for painting Warhammer miniatures, 3D printed miniatures, historical figures, and any RPG models. However, there are a ton of companies out there that make paint specifically for miniatures. Here are some of the best and why to pick what.
- Citadel (GW paints)– these paints look great on miniatures but are generally the most expensive.
- Army Painter– They have a ton of paints geared towards beginners, the paint looks great, and it’s very affordable.
- Monument Hobbies– They have some of the best paints on the market for getting very smooth paint jobs.
- Vallejo– They are another premium paint brand but, again, are not the cheapest.
- Ak Interactive Acrylics– They have some exciting colors and are starting to become the favorite of many painters in Europe over Vallejo.
- Scale 75 Paints– These paints are extremely unique, and their formula is very different from other brands, which means some people love them, others not as much.
If you want to see all the paints tested against one another, check out a full comparison here.
What is the Easiest Warhammer Army to Paint?
If you’re playing Warhammer 40k, the Necrons take the top spot as the easiest to paint as they are just mainly metal and can be drybrushed silver for the majority of the paint job. For AoS, Stormcast Eternals are the easiest, as they are almost all armor, meaning no faces (generally), and the paint schemes are very simple.
How Do You Practice Painting Warhammer Miniatures?
The easiest way is to start putting paint on models. However, this is where test models come in. The best thing to do is buy some models you don’t care about too much, then you can test your paint schemes, what paints you like, etc… on those and not worry about how they come out.
We recommend finding a tutorial with the exact paint scheme you want for your models and trying to replicate exactly what you see. Eventually, you will be able to branch out but try to just copy what you see until you have the techniques down.
Painting Your First Warhammer Miniature
The first thing you want is good lighting! We recommend getting some lamps that can give you good light and get two of them so they don’t cast shadows on your models. After that, it’s best to decide on your paint scheme before you put any paint on the mini.
You decide the primary colors you want everything to be, making it easier to just fill them in. Then, the next thing you need to do is prime the miniature, there are a few ways to go about it, but you can paint on the primer, but using a spray can is generally the easiest way.
Then you can get into the painting; you want to start with your basecoat (the darker and primary colors of your paint scheme). Once you have the main colors blocked in, you can either use a wash paint or start highlighting. If you want to learn how to paint your first Warhammer miniature, check out an easy-to-follow tutorial here.
Is Warhammer Painting Hard?
It’s not really hard, as painting is part of the hobby, and even if your miniatures don’t win any painting competitions, it’s all about putting paint on those gray models! With the insane number of tutorials out there, you can learn quite quickly how to get better and get those models on the table!