Painting the Ghost – Commander Shadowsun TUTORIAL

By Joshua Dunkerly | December 29th, 2015 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Tau

shadowsun walpaper

Come see how to paint the ghost of Mu’gulath Bay. Today I’ll show you how to paint Tau’s Commander O’Shaserra aka Shadowsun model!

Hello All, Josh here from Dark Matter Designs with another painting tutorial. As with most of  my tutorials you will  want to start by priming your model in black primer.

For the first step you will need these colors

  1. Celestia Grey
  2. Nuln Oil
  3. Ulthuan Grey

You will want to start by doing the armour. Shadowsuns normal armour color is white which I know allot of people have trouble painting over black. So I will not only go over how to do this I will include pics of the whole process. To begin lay down a basecoat of celestia grey. Once that’s dry wash it with nuln oil. Now for the last step highlight all the white using ulthuan grey leaving all the recess’s and spaces nuln oil. These next three photos will show this process layer by layer.


Celestia Grey


Nuln Oil


Ulthuan Grey

For this next step I will go over the colors as I do them as there are to many to name.

The next thing you will want to do is the face, hair, and drone. As well as highlight up the black. For the face lay down a basecoat of the fang. Then layer on russ grey leaving the recess’s the fang. After that wash the face with nuln oil. Once the wash is dry re-highlight it using russ grey. Now for the final polish on the face add a layer of fenrisian grey. Next we’ll do the hair for this paint a basecoat of mephiston red. After that highlight it with evil sunz scarlett. Then wash it with carraburg crimson. Once the wash is done highlight it one more time with troll slayer orange. For the drone you will just need to do the lens this is easily done by panting it with a base of mephiston, then doing a halfmoon of evil sunz scarlett followed by troll slayer orange, and lastly yriel yellow. Once that’s done just put a dot of ulthuan grey to show reflection. For the black on the model just highlight it using eshin grey followed by dawnstone.


Now were just down to the guns and base. For the guns I started with a basecoat of squig orange.  Then wash it with casandora yellow. Now highlight it with troll slayer orange. I also added a little glow effect to the vents you can do this by starting with mephiston red, then add troll slayer orange, followed by yriel yellow. Once again highlight the black using eshin then dawnstone. Lastly paint all the emblems using a base of brass scorpion. Then wash it with agrax earthshade. And finish it with a touch of retributer gold. For the base I just used various browns drybrushed on the ground. The spire was done using the same gold recipe as above and mechanicus grey followed by celestia grey for the stone. Finally the skull was done with a base of rakarth flesh highlighted with screaming skull.




Well that’s it for now everyone. Hope you all enjoyed painting along. Catch you all on the next one and as always HAVE FUN!!

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Dark Matter Designs