Save Hobby Dollars – Start Painting on the Cheap!

By Travis Perkins | June 27th, 2016 | Categories: GW Bundle Deals, How To Tutorial

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It’s not just models you have to by when you start Warhammer, its Hobby supplies too! Checkout these tips for saving cash on hobby supplies!

Now you have to consider paint brushes. GW charges a solid $7 for a single brush. Or you can go to your nearest hobby store and grab a variety pack for less than $5, even less if you use a coupon.

This will start you off with a basic set of brushes. I tend to use the largest for the base coat, (and bases), the medium for layering and washes, and finally the smallest for touch up and detail work.

Down the road getting a nicer small layer brush will help with detail work, but for starters use the cheap ones until you have some experience under your belt. Use the large brush for bases or single color models like pink horrors, the medium brush for base coating large areas and using shades, and the small brushes for highlighting and touch ups.

Paint can be the hard part. There is no getting around the fact that you are going to be paying $4 a pop for a tiny paint pot. (I use Citadel paints but feel free to use any miniature paint like Vallejo or Reaper) It is going to hurt a little but each time you buy one, but it’s worth it to use on miniatures.

The secret is to start small, I tend to buy 2-3 pots at a time, so a $12 dollar paint investment. So with that being said I usually follow a simple formula: base color, wash color, and layer color, starting with the largest area on a group of models.

For example the 5 Khorne Blood Warrior start with the armor buy whatever red base you like (ex. Mephesto Red). Apply 2 thin coats and then wash with a shade like Reikland Flesh Shade, then where there are areas that pop out I throw another thin coat of the red on and then highlight using a layer paint like Evil Sun Scarlet or whatever takes your fancy for edges.

That’s it your already further along than 60% of the people at your local FLGS who simply spray primer on the models and call it good. Plus you can start building a paint set, so you now have those three colors and you think I should do the flesh on my 20 Blood Reavers, Rakarth Flesh or XV-88 plus the Reikland Flesh Shade and then hit the raised areas with the base color again and you are good to go. And you can use the same flesh tone for the blood warriors, and the same red on the clothing of the Blood Reavers.

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Now you have 25 models that are 75% done with a mere 4 pots of paint! Total Cost of starter set, materials, and and paint supplies ($90 – $105 depending on which Start Collecting box you buy).


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