How To Speed Sculpt Fur Cloaks W/ Green Stuff

how to fur cloak

Here’s a video of how you can speed sculpt fur cloaks out of green stuff in a matter of minutes. Super clean and super easy!

If you follow this tutorial you can make any miniature look dope with a custom made fur cloak.

how to fur cloak

So we are going to start by mixing about 1 part yellow to 4 parts blue to make our green stuff and get it ready for the mold.

Note: this fur mold is out of stock at Micro Art Studio these days, which is super unfortunate. However if you know someone who has one you can make a reverse mold of that by making an impression and letting it dry, then using it for your mold.

how to fur cloak

how to fur cloak

Next we take the mold, and we put the green stuff on in a random fashion and lightly mash it down to make sure we get good detail in the green stuff.

how to fur cloak

After we are confident we have pushed enough to get all the detail we carefully pull the green stuff off the mold and place it gently onto our mini, making sure not to smash any detail with our fingers in the process.

how to fur cloak

Next take an X-Acto blade and gently press to cut the cloak off where you want it and peal away the excess.

how to fur cloak

Then take the blade and gently cut in some detail around any flat parts that need cleaned up a little.

Once you have it the way you want it to look then you’re done and you just have to let the green stuff dry. It’s that quick and that simple!

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