TUTORIAL – Painting Yellow Hazard Stripes, Made Easy

By Rob Baer | December 16th, 2015 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Videos
If you love the look of yellow hazard stripes but hate working with the color, checkout these tips and tricks for painting them the easy way!

Sometimes yellow can be one of the most frustrating colors out there to paint. Over ten years ago I spent nearly a month painting my Iron Warriors army, and honestly it was mostly time spent just painting yellow.
Fast forward to today, and there is so many painting aids that really it can take as little as a weekend to paint a 1850 or 2000 point army if you’re properly motivated (thank you Army Painter sprays and color match paint pots).
Plus airbrushing is even more mainstream now, with full lines of Airbrush paints from Vallejo and Badger making it even easier to master that technique as well!
Checkout my two recent video tutorials below on not just how to paint hazard stripes, but also how to weather them as well.

Painting Hazard Stripes / Chevrons Easy – Tutorial

So that’s pretty much it, Hazard Stripes can be pretty easy to airbrush with a little patience and the right set up!



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