Starting a New AoS Army – 1000pts of Stormcast Eternals

stormcast on dracoth

Putting together a 1000 point army that is both affordable and competitive can be tough! Check out our Stormcast Eternal guide and become immortal!

We’re back with another 1000 point army! For this second installment, we’re going look at the other half of the starter set and do the Stormcast Eternals. Right now, you can pick up the Stormcast Eternals half of the Age of Sigmar starter set for between 50-60 on EBAY. Alternatively, you can buy the entire box set for around 90 and split it with a friend.

compressed age-of-sigmar-rules

Lots of Stormcast Eternals for you and lots of Khorne Brotherhood for you friend, spouse, neighbor, whatever. It does require you to use your hobby skills though to maximize the potential of this force…


The start set comes with a lot of points: 820 to be exact

  • Lord Celestant on Dracoth with Tempast Hammer: 220 (Your defacto leader with high stats across the board, combined with an AOE shooting attack from your mini dragon. His command ability is basically Inspiring Presence on Crack, so if he is in the middle of your army you almost never roll battleshock)
  • Lord Relictor: 80 (Has good attacks with rend and can either deal damage with a debuff or heal wounds during command phase, pretty cheap at 80 points as well)


  • 3 Retributors: 220 (They are basically really big Liberators and love to dish out mortal wounds, they kill everything)
  • 3 Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers: 100 (There shooty Liberators basically)
  • 10 Liberators with warhammer and sigmarite shields : 200 (Taken in chunks of 5, you can make two units of these and have your battle line units set, they are pretty good heavy infantry with 2 wounds, solid armor save, and re roll 1’s on failed armor saves)

So you need another 180 points to get to 1000, but first we need to get crafty and maximize the units you have. For every 5 Liberators you can give one either a Grandhammer or Grandblade (I like hammers so I go hammertime everytime). You will need to get on our old friend ebay and find yourself two giant warhammers and make it look believable on the model. This will give better damage output as it has rend and does 2 damage instead of one. Not to mention if you’re attacking a model with more than 5 wounds you add 1 to hit rolls. Make him your unit leader and you have 3 attacks instead of 2.


Next you need to buy a impressive shield for your Lord Celestant on Dracoth, so that he benefits from the Sigmarite Thundershield. There are a ton of old empire shields with comets and Sigmar written on them so they are not hard too find. Glue that bad boy on your generals arm, and let him re-roll ones for armor saves and with that save he dishes out AOE mortal wounds within 3 inches of himself!

stormcast eternal

Next up your Retributors need some love. They come in chunks of 5 so you need two more models. Lucky for you GW released an Easy to Build Retibutors that comes with two which is currently going on EBAY for about 10 bucks. Two out of 5 can be armed with Starsoul Maces so back to your favorite bits store to upgrade these. With the mace upgrades your doing 2D3 auto mortal wounds. Then because your leader has to be armed with Lightning Hammer, you have 7 attacks with rend doing 2 damage and roll 6 for a hit. It is straight up mortal wounds without a wound roll. These guys chew through everything!


The Prosecutor squad can have one special weapon out of the three and this is a tricky choice. By doing this your giving up your shooting ability, but it’s not that great! At 4 to hit and wound, measly 1 damage and no rend?? Use these guys to hunt wizards or heroes by throwing a Grandhammer on one! This allows the leader to have 3 attacks hitting on a 4, wounding on a 3, 1 rend and 2 damage. While not great, it’s far cheaper than shelling out money for more models (work with what you got!).


So your total so far assuming you bought all your bits from the same vendor to save on shipping is right around 80 bucks. Time to round out that force and get yourself 180 points and one thing you are lacking is magic. So lets dive into some allies and round out your force by picking up two models the first being a battlemage, which there are a ton of them on ebay just pick the college you like and roll with it. (Outside of light which ignores battle shock tests, which you already do!) These will let you unbind and cast spells, note when buying a model get it on foot as they do not have them on warhorses in generals handbook.

Then with your last 80 points get yourself an Anointed of Asuryan (Anoited in the general handbook) model, which can run with your Retributors. He hits hard and can unbind magic so it gives them a sporting chance against arcane bolts. He also has a 4+ ward save and can dish out some damage with his melee attacks. The only problem is he is not found on ebay too often, so you might need to order from GW for 20 bucks.

Fire Wizard Warhammer Online

  • 1 BattleWizard: 100 (any college but light, offers damage or a buff, make sure you don’t get one on a horse)
  • Anoited: 80 (Run with you Retributors to offer protection vs magic to them, he also hits decently and had a 4+ armor and 4+ ward save…if you can find one on ebay awesome!)

So when all is said and done your spending about 110 on a force that mostly consists of modified starter set models with a mage and warrior wizard thrown in there.


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