New Imperial Guard MTO Valhallan Pricing CONFIRMED

cadian honor female guardsmanIf you like Ushankas and Imperial freedom, don’t miss the pricing for the new MTO Imperial Guard Valhallan re-release that’s one week away!

Normally, GW drops a batch of new models/products every week. However, stalling the queue a little bit, they’re bringing back an old Guard Regiment as a Made to Order batch for a short while.

We saw some hints at this based on the pricing sheet sent to retailers, to see the history of these models check out our post from Tuesday.

Take a look at the prices that have already been confirmed by multiple retailers,

New Imperial Guard MTO Valhallan Pricing CONFIRMED


Commander Chenkov $10.75 (2016) $25 (2020)

dchenkov01Commander Chenkov is armed with a bolt pistol and power sword.

This single metal model comes in four components and is supplied with a 25mm round base.

Ice Warrior Squad $40.00

Valhallan Regiment 

At the time this article was written, we are unsure of the makeup of these particular items. The models above were the classic ones that compromised one squad box set which may be the regiment offering in 2020.

Valhallan Autocannon $17.25 (2016) $25 (2020)

valhallan autocannonThe Valhallan Autocannon comprises a two man crew of loader, gunner, and autocannon.

This metal model comes in eight components and is supplied with a 25mm round base.

Valhallan Heavy Bolter $17.25  (2016) $25 (2020)

heavy boltor valhallanThe Valhallan Heavy Bolter comprises a two man crew of loader, gunner, and heavy bolter.

This metal model comes in eight components and is supplied with a 25mm round base.

Valhallan Mortar Team $17.25  (2016) $25 (2020)

valhallan mortaThe Valhallan Mortar comprises a two man crew of loader, gunner, and Mortar.

This metal model comes in eight components and is supplied with a 25mm round base.

Valhallan Missle Launcher $25

Valhallan rocket launcherThe Valhallan Missle Launcher comprises a two-man crew of loader and gunner.

Valhallan Special Weapons Team $15 (2016) $30 (2020)

MTO Valhallan GuardThe Special Weapons Team includes three Ice Warriors armed with a meltagun, flamer and grenade launcher.

Valhallan Commander (Previously Valhallan Officer) $10.75 (2016) $25 (2020)


Valhallan CommanderThe Valhallan Officer is armed with a hand flamer and chainsword.

This single metal model comes in one component and is supplied with a 25mm round base.

Valhallan Platoon $100

valhallan platoonValhallan Platoon offers you Commander Chenkov, two 10-man infantry squads and a Heavy Weapon Squad of three Autocannon Teams for considerably less than picking them up individually.

This is a decent start to your army if you plan on running a Battalion of Guard. You’ll have to grab one more Troop unit to flesh out the entire detachment, which can be a little heavy on the wallet for just a couple hundred points.

Commissar Yarrick $40.00

commisar Yarrick 1995 citadel catalog


valhallan big bossYarrick with his dope lobster claw and weird skeleton bolter is definitely a blast from the past. And if Yarrick is one of your favorite characters to play, why not grab the OG model while you can?

With Valhallans coming back for a short while, you’ll want to make sure you grab what you need while you can.

After looking at the coming Valhallan re-release, what will you be grabbing for your Guard? Are you holding out for another Guard regiment to come back like Vostroyans or Mordians? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!