Puppetswar Battlewalker Makes a Great Imperial Knight

battle walker

Stomping into the battlefield is the latest new war machine from Puppetswar. The Battlewalker will tower over your foes and lay them low!

Prime Knight Battlewalker $66.81

Model is designed to fit 28mm “heroic” tabletop wargames scale (total height of model is about 150 mm or about 6 inches tall) Set contains one resin Knight battlewalker armed with two close combat arms, if magnets will be used, it’s easy to mount and dismount weapons and arms on bettlewalker, and also it is possible to point the weapons upward or forward on back pack slots. Prime weapon slots are compatible with all kinds of vehicle weapons available on website…

This Battlewalker would go great as an Imperial Knight or as a Grey Knights Dreadknight!

10 tons of mad steel! 

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