Corvus Belli Offers a Massive 40% Discount on Infinity Minis

corvus-belli-last-chance-40%-off-ininityDon’t miss out on your last chance to get up to 40% off Infinity Miniatures ranging from a wide variety of factions and models!

The folks down at Corvus Belli have a massive sale on their Infinity minis and bundles. There’s plenty of variety in the minis for this sale, so whether you run PanOceania, Spiral Corp, etc., give this sale a peek.

Corvus Belli: Last Chance for up to 40% off Infinity Miniatures

Infinity Sale

Infinity Sale

One of our favorites would be the Yu Jing Shaolin Warrior Monk since getting up close and personal with the enemy is always more fun.


Shaolin monks practice Zen Buddhism and are outstanding martial artists. As the entirety of their training takes place inside their monastery, they are less than stellar with firearms, but in hand-to-hand combat they are nigh unbeatable. The strict discipline and rigorous training of their temple makes them instinctive fighters, fast and deadly.

Including her in your Yu Jing army will provide you a lethal martial artist with great tactical value thanks to his Smoke Grenades.

But maybe you’re more interested in some heavy firepower to keep your foes at a distance. Why not give the Kosuil Assault Pioneers a go?

The Kosuil Pioneers are expert in demolitions and assault tactics, a very necessary reinforcement for the Tohaa players! With a Boarding Shotgun and a Panzerfaust in their hands, there will be nothing these troopers cannot “open.”

So no matter what you play, stop by the Corvus Belli webstore while you can still take advantage of up to 40% off Infinity Minis.  This sale only lasts till June 25th, so make sure you don’t miss out on these sweet savings!

Get your Infinity Models Here!