BEAT IT! Custom Necromunda Scenario

By Jack Stover | April 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, jstove, Necromunda

beat it necromunda

Jstove is back at it again with more Necromunda: Underhive, and this time he’s giving you a new scenario to try out in your next game aptly named Beat It!

A Necromunda Scenario


Necromunda Wallpaper 2


No One Wants to Be Defeated
In order to play the Beat It scenario, a gang must meet a prerequisite condition, similar to how a hostage rescue requires a hostage. For a Beat It scenario, a gang must lose a battle against an opponent. The loser of that battle may accuse the winner of cowardice, dirty fighting, or behavior generally unsuitable for a reputable underhive murderer, and he DEMANDS SATISFACTION. There must be a duel between the leaders in the most gangster way possible- A Beat It style knife fight! If the challenge is accepted, the next time the 2 gangs battle will automatically be the BEAT IT Scenario.

Set up a manufactorum or Zone Mortalis table so that there is a large, open, central area. A gladiator fighting pit or an empty street in an underhive settlement is ideal. The battlefield should represent a neutral ground that the gangs can have a (mostly) honorable knife fight.

Each gang brings their entire roster, but no hired guns or hanger-ons are invited, and they must stay home. This is strictly a matter of honor between the two gangs involved.

Tactics Cards
Tactics Cards are not used in BEAT IT. You’re supposed to be having an honorable duel between gang leaders, so there’s no need for skullduggery.

The player who challenged the opponent for a knife fight puts his leader on the table in the middle of the pit/street/arena, facing the direction of his choice. Then, the leader defending his honor places his leader in base contact with the foe, directly facing him. Once both leaders are placed, the gangs take turns deploying the rest of their crews, alternating one model at the time. Each model must be placed so that it is on ground level with line of sight to both leaders, and is at least six inches away from both leaders and at least six inches away from any enemy models. The whole crew has showed up to witness how funky strong is their fight.

beat it necromunda

At the start of the game, no models gain ready markers and cannot activate, they are watching their leaders duel in stunned silence.

Only the leaders activate. Their wrists are tied together and they start the game engaged in melee. They cannot disengage and neither counts as charging.

For the length of the knife fight, the leaders may only use authorized melee weapons. These weapons are:
Combat Knife
Stiletto Knife
Bonesword, Lashwhip, Toxic Injector Claw (These are biomorphs and he can’t put them down. Also, if a model is armed with more than one of any of these weapons, he must choose to only use one, the other is tied up with his wrist.)
Servo Claw (It’s attached to him.)
Any weapon in future supplements that are bionic or mutated in nature and can’t be removed by the fighter.

The battle is over when one leader takes the other leader out of action in melee combat. The losers must accept the honorable outcome and drag their leader home to lick their wounds, and the scenario ends with the winner of the knife fight as the victor. If the losing leader is Captured on the injury roll, re-roll it, because the honorable winners allowed the losers to limp off after the duel.


He Shot Cyrus!
He Shot Cyrus

At the end of the knife fight, after the winner finishes the activation that takes his opponent out of action, one or both players may declare that they are out for revenge and settle the score!

Each player that swears revenge must select an assassin from among his crew. If both players have sworn revenge, then you must determine which assassin is more cunning and faster.

Make an intelligence check for both assassins. The assassin who passes the check by a wider margin (roll again if it’s a tie) is the smarter, more cunning assassin and makes his move.

The assassin that wins has the next activation. However, if the assassin is a champion (Or model with champion-like abilities) he cannot group activate friendly fighters. The assassin acts alone! He may commit any actions as a normal model.

After the assassin acts, make a Cool check for every fighter on the table. Fighters that pass their Cool check react to the assassin, and gain ready markers. Fighters that fail their Cool check are dumbfounded by the actions of the low-life and honorless curs, and are bewildered, but have still witnessed the assassin. During this round, only the assassin and the aware fighters may act. In the next round, everyone snaps into action and all fighters gain ready markers.

It was the Warriors! The Warriors did it!

The gang that the assassin belongs to is now Guilty. However, if all of the enemy fighters are taken out of action, then there are no witnesses to prove it, and the assassin’s gang is no longer Guilty. Instead, they spread a vicious rumor that the other gang were the assassins, and they only rightfully defended themselves. The victim gang is now Guilty!

Ending the Battle
If no gang has assassins, the game is over when one leader is taken out of action.

If an assassin makes his move, then the game is over when one gang has no models left on the board at the end of any round and ends immediately.

The leader that wins the knife fight is awarded the Red Jacket regardless of whether or not an assassin is present. He gains a fearful reputation as a peerless knife fighter, and merchants seek him out. While he possesses the Red Jacket, he gains +2 to his rarity level when searching for close combat weapons.

However, once a leader possesses the Red Jacket, any other gang may challenge him to Beat It in order to prove how funky strong is their fight, and the winner takes the Red Jacket. Only one Red Jacket may exist in a given zone, and if a gang moves into a new zone where another gang already has a Red Jacket, neither gang gains the benefit of the Red Jacket until their prowess is proven in a knife fight.

The gang that wins the game, either because the knife fight ended honorably or because they caused their opponent to bottle out after an assassination attempt gains D3x10 credits.

Michael Jackson

Since the knife fight takes place on neutral ground, neither gang gains or loses turf.

Each fighter present at the knife fight gains +1 XP.

The winning leader gains +2 XP.

The assassin that wins the intelligence roll gains +1XP. (Only if there was a contest of assassins, if one gang was actually honorable, this bonus is not rewarded.)

Each gang that showed up to the knife fight gains +1 Rep.

The gang that won the knife fight gains +1 Rep.

In the event of an assassination attempt, the winning gang gains +1 Rep.

In the event of an assassination, the GUILTY gang are branded as cowardly sump-suckers, and lose -5 Rep! Furthermore, their cowardice is spread throughout the badzones, and they lose the ability to challenge other gangs to Beat It for the rest of the Campaign.

Who Shot CyrusIf the GUILTY gang is the victim of the assassin and were falsely accused, then they can beat a confession out of any captive from the assassin’s gang that they capture. They do not regain their lost Reputation, (The damage is already done) but they may still challenge other gangs to Beat It.

kool aid

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