Free Hobby Tools You’re Throwing in the Garbage

By Jack Stover | July 24th, 2018 | Categories: Hobby Hacks, jstove


Jstove here, and today I’m out to prove that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Check out some household items that you’re letting go to waste.

Here’s a list of four simple items, most from your house, that you are wasting. You could have been hobbying with these all along.

Free Hobby Tools You’re Throwing in the Garbage

Step up your game in the cheapest way possible.

An Old Toothbrush

toothbrush Free Hobby Tools You're Throwing in the Garbage

If you’re not a Nurgle worshiper, you should be replacing your toothbrush on a regular basis. But you shouldn’t throw it out. Toothbrushes after their toothbrushing retirement are still useful tools for a variety of purposes like:

  • Applying weathering techniques to models or bases.
  • Cleaning secondhand models after they’ve gone in the simple green bath to strip their paint.
  • Blood splatter effects. (because you should never be globbing that Blood for the Blood God on out of the pot!)

Water Bottle Lids

water lids

Yo Dawg, the most ancient of all the ancient Chinese techniques, the water bottle lid. The inset ring makes it the perfect tool for mixing and pulling paint. But if you’re watching your boy Kenny B on Twitch, you already knew that one.

Dental Drill Bits dental bit

A great way to get fresh tiny bits for your pin vice and Dremel tool is to hit up your dentist. Dental drill bits are surgical grade Dremel bits that work with all your favorite tools, and they’re rotated and disposed of between patients. Just ask your dentist for a set, they come in a tiny paper envelope. Jam them in your pocket and you’re good to go.

Dickey’s Barbecue Cups


  • Do you like barbecue?
  • How about putting water in cups for paint brushes?
  • Do you live in ‘MERICA?
  • Do you live in a part of ‘MERICA that doesn’t have better barbecue than a franchise chain restaurant?

If you answered yes to all these questions, come on down to your local Dickey’s barbecue franchise to score some free paint water cups with your pulled pork sandwich. Just use them for lemonade first.

oh yeah

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