Think Twice Before Choosing The Blood Ravens

By Jack Stover | August 11th, 2017 | Categories: Editorials, jstove

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Are you a Blood Ravens player that is wondering how to expand/build their army? JStove has a simple guide for you to follow.

You there, yes you. Are you a space marine player? Of course you are. Half the armies in the game are space marines. But what Chapter of Space Marines is your army? If you answered Blood Ravens, then this editorial is for you.


When adding units to your Blood Raven force, follow this simple guide:

Question: Should I add new Primaris Marines to my Blood Raven force?

Answer: No. The Blood Ravens are notorious thieves and heretics. Their chapter history is rife with treachery and all of their wargear is stolen. Guilliman would never authorize Primaris reinforcements for them. Put those models back on the shelf.

Question: Should I add Heresy-era units and wargear to my Blood Raven force?

Answer: Only if you can figure out who they stole it from. Nobody would actually “gift” the Blood Ravens Leviathan dreads and Cataphract armor.

Question: Should I add newly developed units to my Blood Raven force, like Stalkers, Centurions, and Space Marine aircraft?

Answer: Yes. These are probably easy enough to steal; not like the relic wargear that someone would actually miss.

Blood raven meme

Question: Are Blood Raven players really inferior human beings?

Answer: No, they’re still people. They’re just thieves.

Question: Should I add Thousand Sons units to my Blood Ravens force?

Answer: Yes. We already knew you magpies were traitors.

Question: Should I repaint my Blood Ravens as Soul Drinkers?

Answer: No. Sarpedon would realize his spider legs were missing.

Question: I was introduced to 40k by DoW games and I want my first army to be Blood Ravens. Where do I start?

Answer: Over on Forgeworld, where they can direct you to other obscure chapters like the Red Scorpions, Carcharodons, and Minotaurs. You know, those Chapters that are not thieving traitors.

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