Wasteland Weekend: The Orkiest Car Show in El Segundo

By Jack Stover | October 15th, 2020 | Categories: jstove, Pop Gamer Culture, Warhammer 40k News

ork hor wal

Jstove here, and while everyone else was at the Bay Area Open playing with toy soldiers, I was at the real-life Ork speed freek convention. 

The Wasteland Weekend car show at the El Segundo automotive museum and Hotrod magazine office and I got to go. Get a load of these real-life Ork vehicles, photo credits to Bill Dow Photography.

Wasteland Weekend: The Orkiest Car Show in El Segundo

el segundo 1 Wasteland Weekend: The Orkiest Car Show in El SegundoAlmost every vehicle in this car show was fully functional and even street legal. Under all that junk is a 90 ford pickup with only 70,000 miles on the odometer.

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The Raging Ferals are a real-life nob biker mob

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A former wasteland weekend award winning best in show lead sled

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Real-life Rokkit buggy

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Got Dakka?

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Here’s a photo of some Wastelanders dismounting a vehicle from a trailer. This is a real prop car used in Mad Max Fury Road. There were also two of the original motorcycles from Lord Humongous gang from Road Warrior.el segundo 10House Escher was in full effect, here to remind you that Necromunda will always be better than Kill Team. (shots fired)

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Nothing could possibly be Orkier than the WARPLANE. A de-winged single-engine propeller plane mounted on a truck chassis.

Live from El Segundo California, this is Jstove reminding you that if you play Orks and you don’t scratch build and convert your models, you’re not actually an Ork player.

You’re just a closet Tau player with worse ballistic skills. (more shots fired.)

oh yeah

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