Amazing New Fantasy Miniatures Line Emerges

By Zeb Barrett | February 23rd, 2017 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming

hidden dreams

A new fantasy miniature line has emerged from Hidden Dreams! These cloaked figures look to like the hired assassins of many nightmares!

The new cloaked figures and other minis form Hidden Dreams would be a great addition to any fantasy force! Check them out!

Source: Hidden Dreams (Indiegogo)

What our process look like:

1. 3D sculpt

hidden dreams

1b. 3D sculpt of alternative options (as stretched goal)

hidden dreams

2. Printing than casting resin models

hidden dreams

3. Professional painting (as special option)

hidden dreams

All 3D sculpts has already been made. We need your help to invest in production molds and materials. Also stretch goals will help us raise finds to make some alternative versions and options for our miniatures, which for sure you will also like as base versions.

We would like you to contribute during the development with your ideas. Please send emails (, make comments here or post on Facebook, telling us any suggestions you may have. Your ideas will be base of mentioned before alternative options. Some of them we noticed during the development process but there is still a chance to integrate yours. You will feel that your ideas are coming alive.

As mentioned in the process example, for those of you that don’t particularly enjoy painting miniatures and view it more as a chore that needs to be done, Hidden Dreams will also paint your miniatures with a color scheme of your choice and send you the finished models.


hidden dreams hidden dreams

5 miniatures 20€

II – Granadiers:

hidden dreams


20€ for Set of 4 x bodies; 5 x heads; 16 x hands; 4 x tails

35€ for Set of 8 x bodies; 10 x heads; 32 x hands; 8 x tails

65€ for Set of 16 x bodies; 20 x heads; 64 x hands; 16 x tails


III – Models from Lord and Heroes campaign

1. Scourge of Wrath / Daemon Prince

hidden dreams

35€ standard / 90€ painted

2. Duke / Knight

hidden dreams

15€ standard / 55€ painted

3.Lord of Fightin’

hidden dreams


10€ standard / 30€ painted

Head over to Indiegogo to check out all of the information on Hidden Dreams‘ new minis!