Is This Simple Idea the Next BIG Thing for the Hobby?

Miniature Holders & Grips for painting and sculpting

Is this the next big thing to hit the hobby? Shaky hands be gone! holding and painting your miniatures has just been made simple with these Holders & Grips! 

For those of you out there who are like me and shake constantly, painting details such as eyes can be a challenge but with these new Holders & Grips that is no longer an issue!

Source: Stephan Rath (kickstarter)

Miniature Holders & Grips for painting and sculpting

Rathcore and PK-PRO presents the revolutionary V3Series Miniature Holder System

The V3 Series Holder System is comprised of Holders, Grips, and Adapters to provide painters and sculptors of all levels of expertise with a unique aid for their painting or sculpting arsenal. The V3 Series Miniature Holder System offers a comfortable, touchless, and precision application for miniatures, sculpts, and flat figures up to 90 mm (3.5”) and miniature busts up to 1/9 scale.

Miniature Holders & Grips for painting and sculpting

  • minimizes the natural muscle tremble of your hands for maximumcontrolof brush tip, modeling tool, sculpting tool, or airbrush.
  • No need to touch the figure once it is in the Holder. This eliminates dirt and oil on painted surfaces, and molded shapes won’t accidentally deform.
  • The professional ergonomic design increases comfort level for prolonged use.
  • easy and intuitive to use with multiple variations possible
  • usable with brushes, modelling tools and even with an airbrush
  • removable, split conical cork. Replacement corks will be available from us in the future!
  • The 360* rotatable bar disassembles for both easy priming and removing of finished pieces.
  • usable in either right or left hand.
  • Cork adapters are removable for quick mounting and release of figures and are designed for versatility including use with pre-glued and custom bases
  • Made by a passionate artist, for passionate artists


This is an amazing idea and will be a perfect addition to any serious painters toolbox! Make sure to check out the Kickstarter and pledge ASAP to get yours as soon as possible.