Is This The Future of Terrain? Acrylic Laser Panels REVIEW

By Rob Baer | December 5th, 2015 | Categories: Kickstarter, Product Review


If you love old 80’s movies, LED’s, and NOT painting your terrain, you definitely want to checkout what these folks have done with lasers! Something big is coming to tabletops come see.

Checkout Laser Terrain’s Kickstarter for what may be the most out of the world idea yet for our hobby!


Via the Laser Terrain Kickstarter

It’s all plastic, so no need to paint the terrain, you just need to assemble! its perfect for games like Infinity, 40K and loads of other sci fi terrain based games.


Here are some first initial images, so please feel free to take a look!

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Visit the Kickstarter!


Laser Terrain Company Kickstarter – The Future of Terrain?

I love what they did here with this terrain. Yet another step to playing with holograms and 3d models! I for one welcome our new hobby overlords!
