Kickstarter Watch- Agnostic Giraffe??!

By Rob Baer | February 9th, 2013 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products

I saw this new Kickstarter the other day from Agnostic Giraffe Miniatures, and thought well that something different.  While I don’t endorse or even guarantee their Kickstarter, I do think the minis themselves are pretty cool, and maybe you guys should take a look.

Judging by how Kingdom Death did, I imagine these will be quite successful as well!

Here’s Tyler with more about his very eclectic (but in a good way) line of miniatures! -MBG

“Hey there. This is Tyler Russo from Agnostic Giraffe Miniatures. We’re trying to spread the word out for our line of alternative gaming models. The models are intended to be used with any role playing or wargaming system that supports the use of alternative models. We have the long term goal of establishing a game universe around the models, but for now we’re making models generally accessible to a variety of pre existing fantasy universes/general role playing games.

We’ve got a Kickstarter going on now to launch a huge new array of models. Bundles and stretch goals aplenty. Making miniatures has always been a bit of a dream for both of us, and this projects aims to help us get our feet on the ground”.

“Wrenching weirdness out of the quintessential fantasy universe dynamic, one model at a time”.

Check out the Kickstarter here: